Sunday, July 20, 2014

The weekly classes and other stories (still under attack)

Still nervous, still in a middle of a war, still too less sleeping hours.... I have many stories. I need/want to write about it and maybe it's time. Hope to make it faster than I usually do (and if I could - maybe shorter as well). I hope it won;t be too weird. 


I came on time to the studio of Mijal. Ilan was already there - still out but next to the door having a phone conversation. I made it to disturb him (gee... I love him as a dancer and as my friend, but that hat he was wearing is a different story). After he finished - we were talking a bit while changing and while the other class still on. The other class has over - we went down with our  castanets. A girl who joined our class recently and go to other classes this studio started with him another conversation. I joined without asking. She wants to open a group of conversation for flamenco information at Facebook. She wanted Ilan's opinion cause he liked the conversation at the studio which gave her the inspiration. By the way - castanets are new to her and as far as Ilan is a professional dancer with professional castanets - she asked him about that as well. He took off one the castanets from the bag and showed her. I took off the other one just to feel it. He took it from my hands. He showed her a difference at the inside. There are two options for the inside, they have one option, I've been asked to show the inside of my castanets cause I have the other option which is more familiar. I still was trying to talk when Mijal said we'll start. I made a try to remind him about the groups. I found out that I'm disturbing the start of class. Even Mijal almost scolded me...

We started with drills of castanets, a bit old drills, a lot of new.

Taking off the castanets. We started to work on new steps for the Clasico Español, still not at the groups. It something with a bit of sevillanas in it. I got a bit confused because of sides. Not only me... All the time were disturbing of "were any alarm?". Well, once when we all were sure about it - it was only a motorcycle at the garage next to the studio. Mijal said that we came into good times - the teacher ask all students to stay with phones open... 

We've been asked to try it in couples, but we couldn't be. One girl stayed alone and wanted to stay this way. Mijal asked her to dance behind Moran or Hadas and be like she's one of the couple. She didn't want to. I was with Ayelet. I think that I was choosing her, but didn't have a problem with it. Oh dear... I apologized that I didn't dance sevillanas for years. But it isn't really sevillanas, just like...  I still made many mistakes with sides. At one of brakes of fixing I told her that I hope that I don't make her crazy with my mistakes. She said that I shouldn't worry cause she learned it before. Ilan got nervous and asked to leave the idea of being a part of a couple and dance in the front of the mirror. He made it. After few more tries Mijal asked him if he accept to try it again as a part of a couple. No. One more try. 

Moving on to the buleria because of the friend of the happy one who pushed Mijal to it. One try with the music. Near the end of the part we learned so far most of us started to confuse. We worked hard on it to fix and remember it well. And few more new steps. Once again all with the new steps. 

After class I asked Ilan when our friend comes back from abroad. Tomorrow. Will she come to class? He didn't know.


One real alarm before I got out to the studio of Neta. I couldn't get Ilan at the phone. I still ran to the studio. At the normal studio again. I came early. Our class meant to start 15 minutes later anyway this time, but I came by the regular hour and still early enough. Andruw and Shuky were there as a rehearsal. Ilan made already a practice next to the studio. I changed and joined him. Few more girls. The snobbish woman made it like she join us after the bata class. We started a little conversation about the assistant who started to offer friendship at Facebook even to girls (like me) who have nothing with her accept being at the same studio. And then she got out. She was "worry" we'll fall, the floor their is bad. She almost fell. She made a try to convince us to stop the practice or at least to do it somewhere else. No, but she can join us. She was too afraid but made one try. Neta made a practice inside as a rehearsal. Our class/rehearsal with Shuky has started even 15 minutes after we've been promised. 

My friend came back that day from a trip and came to class. The Russian girl came few days before but didn't want to come to class. We were talking that she's ruin to herself.

The tango. Neta told Shuky how are we gonna do it. The part of all of us together once and by the way Neta asked us to sing stronger. Too difficult to hear us. I was the first who've been asked to make a solo. It took me a moment, mostly because it came too fast for me and I was a bit afraid. It still felt well. I made it with a smile and eye contact. No mistakes. Still - don't tell me stories that the others do me jaleo. They were too silence. The other girls after me made it well too. My friend almost got confuse and made some faces, but she went out of it. Still all were silence and Neta all of us to make some jaleo. About Ilan... Sorry for him. He was good but made a mistake. He wasn't clear enough when he wanted to make the salida and confused Shuky. The assistant was last. After all were good, maximum made some little mistakes and got out of it - the assistant was still horrible. It wasn't the first time I saw her dancing and not the first time I heard Shuky sings. It seemed like she wasn't clear for a moment and it was the first time I heard Shiky gets confuse almost a full letra. All letras were new to us, only when the non clean one got one of "our" letras with a little change. Neta said it was amazing cause all of us were good although it was our first try with Shuky and although the letras were new. One more try. Easier. The same order, so I started again. This time I was ready and without fear. I had a feeling that I control the situation. Others lost their mistakes this round. Only the assistant was till horrible, but she didn't confuse Shuky this time. 

Moving on to the siguiryia. We still needed to repeat few things cause it wasn't good enough. Me and my friend made some mistakes at our solos. Ilan needed to repeat his solo cause it sign to the salida, so Shuky wanted to see when he need to be ready with it. Salida. Going back to the trangos. For Shuky it was enough to see us once and Neta has recorded the music for him. The assistant was nervous cause she didn't know lke all of us that we'll be back to it, so she changed her flamenco shoes with sandals. Neta said it's the best this way to do those things. Once again I was first. It was bit different. Once I probably could go in with a remate, but I missed it. Shuky gave me another chance. Instead of two llamadas - I had one llamada and one remate which used me as a llamada till that time. Others were made it well. I guess that the sandals helped the assistant, she was less horrible than ever. 

After that - end of class. And hey, finally I'm not the on;y one who wants to work harder on the siguiryia. Others needed this time to remember we still need to work harder on it cause we still don't do "clean" enough. There was a question if we really do it now at the end of year show or give up. Still I don't know the answer... 

After class going to change. Ilan didn't know if he can get into the dressing room. The snobbish woman got shy for me cause I have a lot to change. Hey, who's shy? For god sake, it's Ilan! The snobbish woman let him get in when I had mostly to put on my daily shoes. Accept the assistant - all of us (students) went out together. We stopped outside ans were talking a lot about next year. My friend said that she wants a curse. Which? She made a sign of a red carpet to a bull in the front of  me and said "alegria". Do you want to finish it outside? She said that here we go, this is what does she mean when she say "a curse". Again more talking about the Russian girl. Yeah, she's ruin to herself although she's back home. She got out upset last time. Ilan said that I was shouting at her. The other girls said that it should be this way. Me? What are you talking about???? He s repeat it over and over again that I was shouting at the Russian girl and ... There is no word to it accept in Hebrew of open the moith for saying bad things. I asked over and over again "What? What?". It took a bit time to the other girls to notice that I don't know what does he talk about, stop saying it suppose to be this way and start looking at me. Ilan looked too. When he noticed my look he said it was for confusing me. I said I won't tell him more stories about my niece. He said that that was for confusing him. Oh... By the way he forgot his mobile phone at the studio. The studio was already locked. I made a try to call him in case it's in his bag at a different place. It wasn't there. We made some tries to call Neta from the girls phones for getting the number of the man who lock the doors. We didn't get her. The non clean one went away. My friend, the snobbish woman and me still made a try to help him, by the way we checked out if any door is still open after all. All locked. We went to the parking. The guy there is kinda became a friend of Ilan, but Ilan still was afraid to tell him what he lost. Shuky was still there and asked us why are we still there and looking for. After that it was OK to tell it was the phone. 

Well, Ilan still had way to get up in the morning. He reached Neta and the guy who open and lock the studios at this place. They were talking about meeting there at the morning. Ilan came earlier and the manager opened him the door. The phone was were Ilan forgot it and no one touched it at night. 


Early again (lucky me). Between classes the man from Mijal's company asked the guitar player some questions about things for guitars and didn't like any answer. 

Our class has started with with legs part we didn't get into our solea yet, but it probably will be a part. That was our warming.  And dancing all the solea from the start to end. Again - fixing the end. Some more new steps. Glad to tell that no dramas this time. 

After class the nice one of this studio told about the new steps to another girl. I mean - the girl that Ilan told her about difference between kinds of castanets. She's taking at Wednesdays classes that starts when mine is over. She takes it longer than she's dancing with me at Monday's classes. The new one said we had many new steps. Oh, not really many, mostly working hard on it for making it well.... 


Meant to be a class at the studio of Neta instead of a missing one. The other fellows said that maybe we should ask for having some more siguiryia this time. 

At the morning Neta sent a text message that she's sick, so no classes that day. 


This story starts without a connection to flamenco:

I went with my middle sister and her daughter to the port. There is a place there for babies, little kids and their parents. My niece has there swimming classes at the pool since she was few months old. Soon she will be too grown up for going on those classes there. Last week my sister decided NOT to go because of the war, this time she took her daughter for two classes in a row (the ordinary class and the class after). She asked me to come with them. I came. We found a parking place next to the place. After that we got into their store without buying anything. And buying a little thing to me and to my niece for eating. We took it to the car. At the parking place of the port in Tel Aviv there are paying machines for getting out fast. It many places at the parking, one was close to were we left the car. I got into the car with my niece and my sister went to the paying machine. An alarm. I took my bag and made a try to convince my niece to go out for we'll go to a safe place. She didn't want to. My sister wasn't far, so I was calling her. My sister didn't accept to move from the paying machine. Another try to take my niece. Normal people there were looking for a place to hide. I heard a strange woman shout something about interception. I looked at the sky. Two smoke balls at the sky because of missiles's interception. I was thinking that I can't defend my niece, I'm about to die with her and my sister won't help... My niece accepted to go out only after that. I looked up and I'm sure I that I saw another smoke ball in the sky, that although some say there were "only" two. My sister finally came. It took some time till we got into a safe place, and even then it was for the end. We stood next to coffee shop with some more people, one is probably the woman who was shouting before. A strange man said a right thing that it will be safer inside. We got in only then. The alarm finished a moment after we got in. My sister took her daughter and ran out. She was putting some money didn't fit to the paying machince and it took her money. It was more important to her than anything else. By the time she fixed with the workers of the prking - I got back with my niece to the car. I was shaking from fear since and it was over only after an hour or so. My heart was beating too strong till the middle of the night or close to it. 

The part which is flamenco - when I got back home there was waiting for me an e-mail from Neta. She sent to all her students the hours and days of classes next year. So, not enough that I was afraid from my almost death with my niece I found out that I will need to have a difficult decision for next year. She will go on with improvisation classes, but now all classes will be at Mondays and Wednesdays. The improvisation at Wednesdays. Great, just when I'm at Mijal studio now. 

I guess that I know what to do. It will be difficult for me to leave Neta after all these years, even after some personal dramas we had between us. Still - this year I wasn't sure that I go on with her anyway and I took down some classes and started at a new studio instead of two of her classes. At Wednesdays at the studio of Wednesdays they gave up alegrias because of me. The style of Mijal still challenge me even without improvisation. I still want to go on with improvisation, but if it will be this way - I guess that after 8 years at the studio of Neta maybe I should take a brake of a year or leave for good. Now when it probably will happen for real and not because I do it just like this - it will be difficult for me. Now the idea of leaving looks scary to me after all the years at the studio I made there my first flamenco steps

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