Sunday, July 6, 2014

The latest tablao

I went again to a tablao at the studio of Mijal. This time on stage: of course Mijal herself was dancing. Accept her = also were dancing Ayelet Shachar, Vlada Vest and as a guest star - Yael Tuchfeld. The guitar player was Ofir Atar. The singer was Shuky Shveiky.

I came few minutes before the official doors' opening. Keren said that if I want to get in the same moment it will be only for saying hello and going out. OK... It's before show has started. At this time that I'm not used to hurry for the dancers and I don't know if they would like it. I said that I don't want to bother, I will wait. She said that I can get my ticket by this time. I didn't have the correct money for it and she still didn't have the change. I was waiting. Shuky and Ofir came by that time. Ofir was sinning for me as joke, a moment after he said I'm everywhere. Of course! By this time the doors officially got open and few got in. Keren had change for me. Without I will ask for it - she gave me a little discount (DO NOT TRY IT AT HOME! You must be me for that!). Hello for few. I mean - Mijal noticed me, after that hello to Hadas and lia. I found my place at the balcony. At those shows usually there are no many of "my fellows".It wasn't different this time, I knew mostly the fellows who's gonna be on stage and few more at the company and not officially at the show. The nice one of Mijal's studio came with her boyfriend but she was too busy in saying hello to the dancer and at her boyfriend, so...

Few minutes late. It has started with a solea. Ayelet was dancing. The entrada she made was new to my eyes, but a moment after she was dancing the part we started to learn at Wednesdays. A long part after new. And the drills got in somehow. I finally could see from the side for the first time how beautiful is our new solea. Moran was there to do her palmas. From the stage the only thing which went on all dances and I didn't like was that it seemed that they are not waiting for cheers. I love the musicians which has been taken to the show, but from my view it seemed like they are the fellows who rush it all without to wait. 

Second thing was a musical part. I hate to say it, but I couldn't recognize the palo. I hate to say even more that I didn't let myself to record it in my camera (I have recording thing as well). It sounded amazing. The only thing which disturbed was the couple next to me (how does it happen all the time?). They know it includes hands claps. so they clapped their hands (mostly she), but without the beat. 

Next. Ayelet got back to stage. This time with Vlada and Hadas. Hadas found her place behind Shuky and Ofir for the palmas. Ayelet and Vlada were dancing an alegria, a bit to each other and a lot together. Near the end there was a part which the legs of their both made the same, from waist and up each one had a different move. It looked with with so much harmony and they both were very correct without to forget the soul. One of the moments that I have regrets for I'm not able to dance alegria. 

Mijal was next to come up with a taranto. Isn't the first time I see her dance a taranto, not first time that I see her at the dress she was wearing, but it was something new. I'm nit sure if it was because I was tired or because the way she was dancing - it looked a bit surrealist in a cool way. At the moment it changed to a tango - the musicians stopped, Mijal was standing and looked at the audience. She was waiting silence for the cheers, The cheers didn't late to come. And she went on with the tango and the musicians joined her. That part was with a lot of humour. 


The second part has started with another alegria. That's the palo of Yael. She was dancing it in a red dress. Again - one more dress I saw before, but it looks good on her. And a big flower in the hair. Two hairpins fell by her dancing. It  didn't disturb the alegria look unique and beautiful. Ayelet made her palamas. She stayed for the next chart. 

Next was a farruca. Vlada came to stage wearing pants and a shirt which still showed the tattoo she have on her back. As far as it's a palo for men, as far as she was wearing pants - she was dancing like a man. Near the end few feminine motives still got in. Even dancing like a man, even at parts she was dancing with roughness - she was just amazing. It took me a moment to fall in love in the way she performed it. I noticed two old women who went away. I think they are rude and don't understand when they see something good. 

Vlada and Ayelet went down from stage.  Mijal and Yael got back to stage. Yael was the palmera. Mijal was dancing a solea por buleria. The entrada was the same as the entrada of our solea. Again - just to see from the side what a great thing we have. All looked cool.

Fin la fiesta. Some came up to stage, mostly the girls from Mijal's company. The couple next to me started to clap their hands without the beat. I couldn't join from my place for palmas. After a letra of buleria - Ayelet was dancing. At the studio of Neta I hear a lot how much at those parts the dancers fight for dancing. After Ayelet was dancing I noticed that Mijal sign the girls to dancers to take a part more than palmas. No one wanted. She made a try with Yael who didn't want. No one else wanted. Shuky started dancing while sinning. When he finished - Mijal signed Yael again. She still didn't want. Shuky was sinning to her and it looked at the start like he's shouting at her. Yael started to dance. After a while she signed Mijal to join her for the salida. They danced together and all went out from stage. 

Only after show was over the nice one noticed me and said hello. I went to talk with the fellows who performed. Oh... Kirill was there too at the audience. He knocked my shoulder to say hello. He started to help to organize the studio while I went to talk (with some also hug). After I moved between all I got relax and went away


  1. Los cantaores pueden adoptar nombres artísticos, no me parece muy adecuado llamarse Shuky Shveiky para el cante. Mejor, Antonio. Apellidos? Muchos: Carrasco, Moreno, Fernández, Mejías.
    Sobre lo de reconocer el palo no te preocupes, hay veces que en frío, sin haber empezado, no se llega a coger el compás a la primera, también le pasa a gente de Sevilla. Me gustaría estar en vuestras actuaciones alguna vez. Quiero visitar esa tierra, sobre todo Jerusalem. No sé cuándo. saludos

  2. Yo se que muchas veces cantaores, guitaristas y bailaores teienes nombers por la etapa en flamenco, pero en Israel hay no muchos que hacen como este. Shuky tiene un nombre poquito differente. Es un nombre muy Israeli, es Yehuda Shveiky, pero en la etapa es Shuky. En los dos posibles - muy Israeli y no cambio grande.

    Quiero a visitar tu tierra tambien
