Monday, July 28, 2014

Some weekly stories

Still tired like crazy and this week will be loaded, so I will try to make it short:


Came on time. Still time for talking with Ilan. The class before ours still went on. We went down to the studio The other class finished a bit later on. I gave Mijal my money for the  workshop of Luis de Luis. Still a bit time for talking. The nice one from Neta's studio came after a while I didn't see her at any studio. I asked her for the reason. Her health... 

Our class has started with drills of castanets. A new one and a bit more of old ones. Moving on to the Clasico EspaƱol without castanets . Back to the steps we learned at the class before. I did notice before that the nice one of Neta's studio started to have a belly which doesn't goes well with this tiny and thing girl. She was talking about it herself. Now I noticed that her belly got bigger and much more looks like a pregnancy belly. I knew it! And yeah, she's married. She got married last year with a guy who seems like he's the best for her and loves her. 

And dancing it in couples. Ilan wasn't thrill to dance as a part of a couple, but he did it. I ran to Ayelet to dance with her again. This time I still made some mistakes, but much less. She mentioned it as well. I just said it less horrible than last week. She laughed. 

After a while Mijal asked us to take our castanets again. She wants us to dance Ole de La Curra once again for we won't forget it. Yeah, the meaning is for the dance of escuela bolera we learned. I was pleased from myself that even that I didn't dance it for a month or so - the mistakes came to minimum and even the kneeling came out well. Still few needed a reminder for few things. I noticed that few stood at the side and looked. The nice one, the "ballerina" and some like those two. taking off the castanets again.

Worked on the buleria. For a start dancing all with the buleria with music. After that - learning some more steps.

End of class. Talking with Ilan. He winked me and laughed embarrassment when I mentioned it. My friend came. Talking some more till their class has started.


I came on time to the studio of Neta. Ilan was there inside, sitting and watching. I asked him how come that he doesn't practice. He said that he's taking a rest. The assistant was sitting next to him at one side, the husband of the fat woman at his other side. Great.... At least he went away with his fat wife when the bata class was over. I went to change. When I was ready - Ilan and the girls were outside to practice. I wanted to join them, but it was the time to start class. Neta called us in.

I asked Neta if today we'll work harder on the siguiryia. Yeah, not a moment less than the needed. Still didn't mention the e-mail I sent her back about next year. All came accept the bata girl. The russian girl said that she will dance with us the part we'll dance all, but she won't accept to dance alone on stage. 

Dancing and sinning the first letra. I made a mistake and one circle I made for the other side. My friend looked at me and smiled. I know that I made a mistake! Let's go on! I went on like nothing happened. Got back our places at the cuadro. My friend said that she finally heard me sinning.  We went on with the other letras. 

Solos. I was the second to go on. I made a llamada. Only my friend has started sinning. Others wanted to join her, but Neta didn't let them. She said that she likes it. We made it well. I finally heard the other do me jaleo.When I finished Neta said that she like the way it went on, so now she wants all of us to do so - One is dancing and only one sings. About sinning - I was close to the end and was sinning to the non clean one. At the start I didn;t like that I'm not sinning to Ilan, but it went out well. He was looking more at me than at her. It seemed like most were looking more at me.Great way to get some attention. I was sinning loud and clear, but I do it better when I get less from that wonderful attention.Near the end of letra was a moment that her llamada wasn't clear enough to me, not sure who made this situation - she or me. I was waiting with going on. She looking at me like she;s waiting. Neta went away to check something and by the way said that she doesn't hear me. Of course... I went on with the sinning. 

About the try of Ilan to dance this time - he made a step we learned at the studio of Mijal. I told him that I liked it when he made it last week. He made it again this time. Neta finally noticed it and I'm not sure it was a good idea that she did. She asked Ilan to give up this weird step. 

We moved over to the siguiryia - a bit more time than we suppose to. Very well. We needed it. By taking my castanets I said that I finally heard the jaleo. No respond. Ilan took a video of most of it. He had too much on his mind lately and he had a brake, so he needed a reminder for the steps. Neta complained on me this time. I made my part as she asked me, now it takes too long and I just stand there till I start to dance. 

We started to work harder on the salida. I sign a part of it to the others. Ilan started to complain on me. My friend helped him. They did it twice till Neta said that I was fine at this part. Working on the bow down. At my sign again. Once no one complained. Second time - Neta asked me to stop doing it with moving the place of leg. Ilan started to laugh that I think that I'm at the theater. Yeah, very insulting.... Haha... I could laugh from it as well unless he started to compare me to an actress which I don't like much.

Dancing again making a lot of practice. End of class. A moment... Didn't we forget anything? Ilan started with a stress. The snobbish woman and me said to him as a chorus "the phone!". Not forgotten this time... Outside another conversation. My friend still didn't relax from hearing me sinning. About me? I said again that I finally heard them doing me the jaleo. Ilan thanked me and said that they need to shout for it. I'm like Lady Gaga. What will happen next year? I said that I won't come. My friend started to deal with when will I be back. Oh, great, someone who knows better than me...  I said that I wasn't sure if to go on this year at all, and now at the day of improvisation will move to a day I will be at the studio of Mijal. And those classes - they do a palo with a lot of consider of my opinion. I was writing Neta that it will be a problem for me to go on at those days. They asked me what did she say. Nothing. My friend and the snobbish woman said it's probably because of  constraints of the studio. Well, she didn't answer me even that. Just makes me wanna come back to her studio as fast as possible... It seemed like my friend wants Ilan to tell me to come back. Ilan didn't take a part in this conversation till he's been asked to. He said that I will do whatever is good for me. I knew he's at my side! The snobbish woman said that she and her daughter invited 19 tickets for people to see the show. We said goodbye to the non clean one. My friend went away with the snobbish woman to the car. I went on talking with Ilan. I made a try to remind him what we were talking last year and my reasons. He didn't let me. He said that I don't need to explain him anything. Oh dear... Does he really looks sad? 


At the studio of Mijal again. She brought her dog again, but this time no dramas with the dog. 

When our class has started we made a some legs warming with a part we still don't have at our solea, but it may take a part. 

We made a long practice on the latest moves and steps. Dancing all the solea. And some more steps. felt like many new ones. Dancing all again and again. 

After class she said that before go she wants to say something to all of us. Luis de Luis is about to come and give some workshops. She didn't bring him, just rent the studio. Because someone else brings him - the registration has a deadline. It's better to bring the money, but it's enough for her if people will tell her that they are coming. Not including me of course.  If not enough people with sign to the workshops - it will be cancel. No... Please not to cancel it.... I wanna go to it! 

Saturday morning

Neta sent an e=mail to all the studio. She was writing that not enough people asked for the photography and video for the end of year show. Not enough tickets has been sold. If we still want the photography and video - we need to pay some more. Because of way she was writing it - I wasn't sure about the amount she said. By the way - after she said it will need her authority to publish photos of ours - now she said that we won't be allow at all. Yeah... Right! The only studio that it's not allow to do so, not even with giving the credits for the teacher, photographer and place.... It ruin all! Never mind it gives her publicity that I'm not sure any longer that she deserve. 

I wrote her back about the day I will give the money and asked again about the amount. It took me a moment to write her an e-mail and text message to her phone. It took her something like 24 hours to answer with a text message to my phone that OK. Till she wrote it = I told about it to my dad and my older sister. They said that I should give it up and tell her that I want back the money that I already gave. I guess that I should do as they told me, but I really want the photography. And no, I won't ask anyone if I will upload my photos. I pay a lot for it and I don't forget to give the credits. If Neta see a problem with it - it isn't my problem. And what can she do to me now? I won't be at her studio next year anyway. This way she makes this decision much easier. I guess that it won't be a brake, I just move over to another another studio wheich I already started at and get some respect from the teacher, not only knowledge. 

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