Sunday, July 20, 2014

How could I forget?

There was a drama at Wednesday after all. I guess I forgot it cause of too many dramas and fear. That drama made a smile. At Wednesday Mijal brought her little dog to the studio. Before the class for professionals has finished - the dog ran to me in happiness, smelled me, jumped on me in happiness, licked my hands and looked for my petting. She went to others after a long time with me. Mijal smiled when she saw her dog happy with me and I'm smiling. 

Mijal has a chair that she sit on from time to time at classes and watch us dance. At middle of class she was sitting and the dog on her knees. All  smiled. The nice one said that Mijal looks this way like a   character from a book. Mijal asked us to wait for a moment. She took another chair and was putting a warm cloth. She let her dog sit on it. The dog was laying there. All smiled while dancing and looking at the dog. After a while the dog was sitting. All of us looked at the dog and didn't do much accept that. Till the dog decided it's enough and went away to the office......

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