Saturday, July 19, 2014

And after all

I had a full week this time. Three classes, one more class which meant to happen and has been cancel at the last moment, feeling the war a bit more, getting feeling the war till I was afraid for real (no connection to flamenco, being outdoors with my middle sister and my niece and see the smoke balls at the sky), coming back home and see an e-mail which made me know that next year will probably include a difficult choice about my learning flamenco... I think that I know what will be the choice, but it will be difficult for me. 

Well, Friday. I didn't go the cinema to see a movie because of the time with my niece. I was sure that I will sleep my Friday siesta till the late evening hours instead. This time because of the war my nerves died for few hours. The e-mail which was waiting for me didn't make me relax. I couldn't sleep. 

I thought that I will write tonight about all classes and the e-mail. I can't sleep anyway. Well, after less hours of  sleeping and too much for the heart... My eyes are burning. If I really won't be able to sleep. Promise that all be written till Sunday (hope that before). Just need to relax first and try to sleep before

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