OK, this time I'll do it a bit different. As you know - I normally get into each part at shows. Because of all that happen to me this weekend (a lot) and getting into all details about the workshops, and the written program doesn't include the order of dances, I didn't recognize all palos and probably forgot a bit the order... I will make a try to write more general.
At the audience = again I met Mijal. This time she came with her husband and her young son she introduced between me and them. It was a bit weird to me that I start to know my teacher THAT personal, but I don't mind. Friends of my parents. Some girls who came also to the workshop this morning. The Russian girl came with the bata girl. Some girls who I used to know a long time ago through Neta's studio. I'm not sure they remember me and I'm not sure that I mind. At least one of them was sitting behind me and needed to explain the show loud between the jaleos. No one else that I know.
The show itself has started with not much light. a bit light on a guitar plater, a woman who performed before with Manuel LiƱan. Marco Flores was surrounded in women Six women stood behind him. He started a dance with a palo which I still don't know. He came between them. Four of them joined his dance, the two others were the singers. Light also on another woman who played a guitar.
After that - Marco, two of dancers and the second guitar player went out the stage. The singers and the two other dancers stood next to the guitar player. Both singers sang a buleria, one of dancers became a plamera. The last dancers was dancing amazing.
Later on - all dancers had their solos, two more on bulerias, one on solea. Right after one solo has finished - Marco returned to stage. One of the singers sang a martinete. Marco was standing at his place and just looked at her. From time to time he closed his eyes. After a while he held his jacket. The singer came to him slowly and surrounded him. And then he started to dance. It has so much strength till this moment and the dance itself showed how much talent he have.
One part of music - both singers came to the front of stage and sang. They both have great voices amd talent, mostly one of them. I know it's a cliche, but just let the fat lady sing. The show won't over without it. I totally fell for the voice and talent of the fat singer at this show. when this song was over they returned to the back of stage. Only light on the fat singer and the four women dances. She was surrounded in four talented dancers, I come from the dance part, I could hardly take off my eyes from the singer. I was amazed. One more strong part.
Near the end Marco came back for buleria. He's great, no less. This I recognized some of steps and movements that he was teaching in the morning at the workshop. Wow. it looks so beautiful! Did I real made it myself this morning? Fine, only few steps from a full dance....
The show finished at the way it started - each guitar player was sitting in another side of the stage, a palo which I don't know (I think it's the same one as it was at the start), Marco stand while the other dancers and the singers behind him. He danced between all women who were standing. The singers were sinning and the women dancers danced in their places.
One more show which I couldn't stop smiling while watching it, I think that I even smiled all my way back home.
At the audience = again I met Mijal. This time she came with her husband and her young son she introduced between me and them. It was a bit weird to me that I start to know my teacher THAT personal, but I don't mind. Friends of my parents. Some girls who came also to the workshop this morning. The Russian girl came with the bata girl. Some girls who I used to know a long time ago through Neta's studio. I'm not sure they remember me and I'm not sure that I mind. At least one of them was sitting behind me and needed to explain the show loud between the jaleos. No one else that I know.
The show itself has started with not much light. a bit light on a guitar plater, a woman who performed before with Manuel LiƱan. Marco Flores was surrounded in women Six women stood behind him. He started a dance with a palo which I still don't know. He came between them. Four of them joined his dance, the two others were the singers. Light also on another woman who played a guitar.
After that - Marco, two of dancers and the second guitar player went out the stage. The singers and the two other dancers stood next to the guitar player. Both singers sang a buleria, one of dancers became a plamera. The last dancers was dancing amazing.
Later on - all dancers had their solos, two more on bulerias, one on solea. Right after one solo has finished - Marco returned to stage. One of the singers sang a martinete. Marco was standing at his place and just looked at her. From time to time he closed his eyes. After a while he held his jacket. The singer came to him slowly and surrounded him. And then he started to dance. It has so much strength till this moment and the dance itself showed how much talent he have.
One part of music - both singers came to the front of stage and sang. They both have great voices amd talent, mostly one of them. I know it's a cliche, but just let the fat lady sing. The show won't over without it. I totally fell for the voice and talent of the fat singer at this show. when this song was over they returned to the back of stage. Only light on the fat singer and the four women dances. She was surrounded in four talented dancers, I come from the dance part, I could hardly take off my eyes from the singer. I was amazed. One more strong part.
Near the end Marco came back for buleria. He's great, no less. This I recognized some of steps and movements that he was teaching in the morning at the workshop. Wow. it looks so beautiful! Did I real made it myself this morning? Fine, only few steps from a full dance....
The show finished at the way it started - each guitar player was sitting in another side of the stage, a palo which I don't know (I think it's the same one as it was at the start), Marco stand while the other dancers and the singers behind him. He danced between all women who were standing. The singers were sinning and the women dancers danced in their places.
One more show which I couldn't stop smiling while watching it, I think that I even smiled all my way back home.
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