Sunday, September 1, 2013

Gaujira with Adi (day one)

Ok, day one of a new workshop of Adi Akiva. This time - a guajira with a fan. I was waiting to start it and to see my new fan. I came early. Outside were Idit with two girls who I know through Mijal's studio. One of them is the one with the dragon tattoo (no, she has nothing to do with the girl from the book or movie) and one more look than dance. There was someone else there who I never met before. A grown up woman who looks at her '40. The door to the Studio was closed, probably there was a reason. Flamenco's clothes at the window (the studio used to be a store) and a curtain was hiding the studio itself. There was a conversation about few workshops and shows that were here recently. A moment after I joined the conversation and told how much did I enjoy the show of Maria Toledo - the girls from Mijal's studio started to ask how long do dance at Mijal. Now I know that they have started there pretty like me and they nervous too about the how-much-do-we-have-to-learn-now. 

The door got open from the inside. Adi gave a private class to someone who just went away. The Granada girl came. She said "hi" and smiled when she saw me, but I'm not sure that she wasn't "happy" as I am to see me like I was "happy" to see her. And one more girl with a  mousy look who I remember from last time. We were waiting for another one who meant to come and Adi doesn't have her phone number. After a short preparing - I gave her the money I owe her. She said something about me being always the first one. She looked for my fan. I wasn't the only one who said that she would like to have a new one, but I was the only one who asked it will be blue. A whole funny mess became - few others remind that they also need to pay for the workshop or waiting for their fans. Granada had a white one, the one who's looking and someone else (can't remember who) got red ones. Adi said that if the missing girl won't come - we can have the green fan that she meant to receive from Adi.  Few more minutes. Adi said that she will give us the missing time in the end, from tomorrow we'll start at the time. She brought few more things in case we would like to have - fans with dots which fit for practice and hairpins of flamenco. I said "You can't be real". She asked why. I said it's because she brought few more things I may buy. She said it doesn't cost much and it isn't too bad to pay for things like these. I started to look at the hairpins, mostly the green ones. Although it included some colours which I love more - the green ones looked the best. 

The class has started without the girl we were waiting for. I was at the second rowin the area of the two from Mijal's studio were, but they were at the first row. Next to me was the grown up woman. We made some stretching. Oh no, this woman's legs almost at my face.... Adi started to ask about the learning since end of year shows. She asked each at her time and accept the grown up woman. She was surprised to hear three girls in a row tell her that they just started at Mijal's studio. 

Legs' warming. Adi started to warn the grown up woman cause she's new. Idit wanted a "discount" of the first day. Adi said that she can forget about it cause she's after 8000 workshops for this summer, the grown up woman can have it cause the grown up doesn't know her yet. Well, we started after a water brake. There are few steps which I still get confuse when I try to do it, but the only time that Adi really fixed me was about the elbows. I didn't notice and let me elbows stay in a way that a flamenco dancer shouldn't do. Accept that - a bit easier for me. Lots of sweat. At the end of this part - others has started to complain it was too hard. 

Adi asked us what do we want - to practice circles or start the guajira. Idit said circles and a moment after she said about the looks she receive from the dragon tattoo girl. The dragon tattoo girl didn't want circles. Idit said that if someone like Adi comes - we should use it for this kind of practice. The dragon tattoo girl started to say how does her vengeance would look like. We worked on the circles. The grown up woman got into my dress once and in another time - hand to hand cause she can't do it right. 

Adi asked if Idit wants to tell about guajira. Idit wanted. The dragon tattoo girl made a video, As a start - Idit told about the "tree of palos". It didn't take too long till she pointed at me and said that I can tell about it too. Few couples of eyes on me. I mostly noticed to Adi who started to look at me with a smile. It was a weird moment, but I guess I liked this attention. Idit go on with her speech. When she almost finished - Adi has few more things to say about guajira. A real conversation has started. "Granada" thought she knows better but knows nothing. She had things to say and ask which showed it. 

Moving on to practice the fans. Some of the girls never learned before to dance with a fan. We started to dance. From time to time Adi asked if to go on or practice more. We made both - more steps and practice all over. The one who looks at Mijal's studio broke her new fan after 10-15 minutes or so. I don't know how does it happen to me all the time... The grown up woman thought she needs to dance on me. I found myself getting into the wall once, once into bags and once into cables. Just for stay away from her. She all the time asked to stop and just practice, it was too much for her to learn new steps. After a while a made a try to take aside when she didn't give me my space any more. So she went after me.... We did have some time after. 

After class I asked about the hairpins. I took the green ones. Although I hate to stay owe - I didn't have the correct money and Adi said she trust me that I will give her the money for it, she rather let me the time than to give me some change. At the way back home I missed a bus in a little moment. It took a long time till next bus came


  1. Sus escritos me inspiran versos. Traduzco con el google y encuentro hermosas formas, no muy correctas, pero divertidas, un extraño colorido que agita mi inspiración y vuelca en mi teclado palabras nuevas. Seguiré leyendo sus entradas, quiero saber más sobre Adi Akiva, creo que es profesora de baile. Espero aproveche esas clases. Un saludo.

  2. Escribo sobre lo que sucede en mis clases y talleres. Este es uno de ellos. Era bueno.
    Me alegra de que te gusta leer lo que escribo. Espero que sigas disfrutando.
    Adi Akiva es realmente profesora de baile flamenco y bailarina. Es aún no treinta años y con mucho talento. Comenzó sus estudios de ballet clásico cuando tenía sólo tres años de edad, se trasladó al flamenco cuando tenía ocho años de edad. Ella ganó el concurso hace unos años muy muy respetado aquí y baile flamenco y recibió una beca para estudiar en España. Has estado en dos o tres años que vivió en Sevilla, sino enseñar a ir en otro lugar.
