Monday, May 20, 2013

The workshop of Adi Akiva, second round - third class

I rushed cause I thought I'm about to be late. I came on time to change fast. Still... I saw Adi sitting outside with the girl who started a week before this round. From inside there were noises of dancing. They told me that someone practice, just one person and we'll have the studio in our time. Till we had - the girl hardly stopped talking about her life (mostly her love life and Emilio from Granada). She already asked to have a glass of wine with Adi to tell her more. Weird, it looked in the started that they didn't know each other before this workshop. Fine, the other workshop which came earlier, but it was only one class. One girl went out, someone that I remember that I saw, but never made any impression on me - for good or bad. She said she was there because she has no classes this week and she wanna be ready for end of year show. She didn't stay for the workshop cause she was already there. I got in to change, the Granada girl was still talking. 

Our class was meant to start. Some came, includes someone I never saw before and made a try to take my place of stuff. And suddenly Adid remind that one girl who normally comes in another day couldn't come in her day and about to come today. She forgot to tell her that Monday classes goes in another studio and start earlier. Adi called and we were waiting. The girl said that she takes her bicycle and come. 15 minutes late and the girl still didn't come. We started without her.

Stretching. And legs' warming. I still make some mistakes, but it become easier for me. Even one step which confused me all the time looked to me more clear. The biggest problem was the heat. I felt like a puddle after few minutes. Oh, another problem - the walker.... She was too close to me again. Once she went and got back in the warming, rest of time... I saw in the mirror her funny faces. And all she made the opposite - when all stepped with left - she stepped with her right. When all stepped with right - she stepped with left. Whes this warming (and it made too warm) almost done - the the girl with the bicycle came. She found a space for her bike and changed shoes. She joined from the back. Only after we finished this part and all looked like puddles - Adi noticed that even the fan was closed. The fan started working only now and the door has been open for air. 

After a brake we started with basic circles around ourselves. In one part of practice I noticed that I still have to improve my balance, but the balance much easier. I learned from Adi one thing to make it easier, although I still don't make it all perfect. In the circles again - the walker made all opposite - when we all turned right she turned left, when we all turned left - she turned right. No wonder that she broke a finger once this way. because of it I felt once her hand stuck in mine. I wasn't in focus in any way. Adi asked me once to keep on focus. After she saw that I make some for the circles - she asked all to keep on focus. After that - the circles which I learned only from her and it was the first between the two that I learned only from her. After some practice Adi said that we gets better.  

And the siguiryia. We danced it all and had some new steps which Adi has started with a group of another day. We made a lot of practice. Then Adi asked if we want to go on with practice or have some more steps. Some asked for new things, no one asked for anything else. Adi made some for us and we made a lot of practice. Some got stuck and had some problems with one thing which is easy for me. Once the walker got stuck in me. At least this time she was sorry. It didn't disturb her to go on and get into my space. 

Adi gave us extra time for the time we all missed in the start, and then some more cause what's the difference if we'll dance the  siguiryia once again. 

After class she told us how long does she stay. She said that she thought to have one week of just resting in the end, but she enjoy giving the classes. Does anyone wants to have one more class? Not even a full workshop, just once again. Most of us wanted. I will do it for sure, the question is if it will go on one more Monday, or once at Friday morning (and in which studio).

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