Monday, May 13, 2013

The workshop of Adi Akiva - second round, second class

I don't know what happened.... Never happened to me before that I get to a workshop almost in the last moment. In the regular classes it happened to me most of this year, but first time in a workshop. Still I'm not the only one. Only Adi was there with the studio owner. The other girls came later on. One of the girls "travel" between the days, so she came today. The girl I used to know from the studio of Neta came in the time that class meant to start. She said that she's going NOW to the super market, so if anyone wants anything... So she's back with water to herself, Adi and another one or two girls. Till she's back - just talking.  Adi said that one girl said that she's about to be late, another one... Does anyone knows about her?

When she came back - Adi said that we should start the class cause we're there to dance, not talking. We started with starching. Two more came - the one who said she's late (and started last week), and another girl who I never saw before. The one I never saw was meant to come last week as well and about her Adi asked. Now we were two more than last week... Starts to be crowded.....And still talking.

Before moving to legs' warming - I asked for an air conditioner. Nobody else wanted although it remind another that she's sweating. Only air. We started warming. Not too long till all started to sweat. In some points it starts to be easier for me cause I start to know Adi and her methods better, and after some practice... But not all was easy. I'm still a bit on pains since yesterday and other points I felt like I'm pushing too hard on my left leg. When I thought that I can make it although the pain - one of the girls felt like she need some water, so she started to go around includes too close to me. And she changed her shirt. 

Water brake. After drinking - I stood near the ventilator, let all flow. Move on.

Basic circles in our places. My balance is getting better, but few times I missed the sides cause the walker was near me, she got confuse and I got confuse because of her. And she went to change again. After that... Which kind now? Those we made last week or new ones? Some said new ones, but then Adi decided that we don't have time for that. The walker made sure that I'm taking some space from her. She had to tell me that she broke a finger this way. She even told me twice which finger. I didn't have much space now and this kind of circles still isn't "burned" in my body, so few times I missed or looked. 

By the main idea - we had only 15 minutes more, but Adi took it as 30 more. I guess it's because we started later than we mean to. Dancing a siguiryia.... First - working on to remember and practice what we made and after - dance all. And some new steps. Few times I found myself getting into the edge of the studio. To the walker it took some time till she stopped getting almost into me.... Because I wasn't also in Friday - Adi wanted to tell me a thing she was teaching about walking. Oh... Also the walker wasn't! Still Adi was looking at me while talking. It was about the way of walking in flamenco. Most of times it's like a resistance - like someone pulls you and you don't accept. As an example - she pulled the shirt of the walker and asked her to go with lots of resistance. And more resistance. As another example - Adi said that the best way is watching the movie "Flamenco" of Carlos Saura. There is a dance of Mario Maya with two other men who holds his hands and he still walk. And to the other side... The walker has been asked to pull Adi while Adi resisted. Go on with the siguiryia. Some weird noise from outside. It's raining! It's very rare to have here rains in May, so it took the attention of all of us. And back to dance.

 One new step. The walker got into my site that way it was hard till impossible for me to see Adi. I didn't have the power to start fighting, almost end of class, the pains come and go, and we're all gonna dance it. But... Still not really clear for me - each one has been asked to do it alone. I was the last one. Accept of one - all made it good. Me... I'm still not sure how to make it. Adi made it with me and it became clear. This time I could see her do it. 

Dancing all again. 

Class was over for this evening. The rain stopped as well. While we all changed (or at least those who took their time more than I do) - a little panic. The husband of the studio owner came to close the studio. The curtains has started to be open. He's been asked to wait. Till most of us came out - one was worry for where did he go. He was around. 

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