Tuesday, May 7, 2013

I normally don't do it

I normally don't ask people to share this blog. links or the fan page. Today, aster seeing others ask all the time ask people to share their pages - I broke down. I know that I don't really need it cause there people who started to share links of the blog and parts of the blog without I'll ask for it, but... It start to look normal that people do it. I made a share today to the fan page in Facebook with a will that people will check and share. It was the first and will be the last time that I brake this way. I already publish a lot in Facebook and people already share it. I guess that the times of seeing others bag for sharing theirs, it was weird. I believe that my blog grow up with time thanks to hard work and a will to do something good with it. 

However - first time and last time that I do it here as well.... I know that most of the blogs that are bigger than mine have other subjects (mostly food, fashion and gossip), but as far as I try to help flamenco artists which I like (I guess that all can see it, and I guess some people likes it - accept of my writing about my experience) - I also know that it can help the cause of all - flamenco artists and flamenco lovers - I would be thankful if you'll tell your friends about La Reina De La Luna + And of course - if you like it and have a profile in Facebook... Each "like" will be cool

That's it. By that I can move on and do what I usually do here (talk about flamenco and show some flyers and photos)

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