Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I hope it won't be too much for too many ways

So - for a start I want to thank you again. Although once I did ask for sharing and telling your friends - I don't really need to ask it. Some people do it anyway. Really warm my heart that some think it's good enough to share links to the blog or certain parts of it. 

It doesn't finish by that. The number of readers if getting higher. Accept that with time there are more fans in the fan page - the number of entrances is getting crazy (in the good way). Almost 70,000. Not yet, but really close. Every day there are many and I'm getting use to see big numbers almost every day. It's a great complement for me as the writer, and it does make people know about flamenco shows and events. At least those I think are interesting. 

And this weekend... I know that will be a tablao of Compas Company in Tel Aviv. I did see many show of them which runs in ordinary stages as ordinary shows. Two of the shows I even saw twice. Still I didn't see their tablaos shows in their studio. I have a feeling it's about to change it and go to see a tablao. Next one will be this Saturday. I thought that I'm crazy for not checking out for a ticket and finally see it. I changed my mind. I still want to see it, but I guess it will have to wait. I was invited to a birthday party of Ilan in the same evening. As far as I can't be in two different places in the same time - I have no choice. I hope to go next time to the tablao. This time - birthday party.

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