Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I have a reason for it took me so long......

On my there I found out that I have a text message from Neta. I was sure in the first moment that it's mean no classes. No worries - it's only in the old studio that we used to dance until last year. Same school, but another studio which is bigger and much more pleasant. The only problem is getting up three floors without an elevator, but nothing is perfect. Looks like it was less horrible than I remembered. Inside this studio there is a dressing room which has also a door to the next studio. I saw some bags in the dressing room, but no people. After listening - I picked up to the next studio through the dressing room. Ilan made a practice there with the man, the new nice one and the bimbo. They thought it mean that our class is about to start. No, I just came to say hello. I went for a moment. When I came back and started to change - the assistant and the tall one came too. They still didn't know this studio and were shocked that it's third floor without an elevator. When our class meant to start - I came to call the guys from the other studio. I came through the dressing room again. The assistant came through the main door. They were smiling and told her about the door through the dressing room.

Because it's another studio and not the one we dance since last year - the places we stand has been changed a bit. Ilan and the bimbo found their places, they both made a try to help me to find mine when they saw I'm not sure and looking. It mean by letting me some space. I think I start to like the bimbo as well. I normally don't like bimbos, but she seem harmless. We worked a bit on some parts of the legs' work. Once I made a mistake, but... It was once and I think I know where it came from. And there is a part we send a hand and make it to a fist. Neta got stuck on me and said that I send the hand with the fist closed already instead of sending the hand and close the hand for a fist. I didn't! Really! I made it as she told all of us to do and she saw a mistake which I didn't make...

Now we were working on more places for the end of year show. For the siguiryia we have something (which doesn't hold enough), but didn't have for the legs' work. Now Neta made something as a standing, something close to the places we found. Ilan and the bimbo are in the first line and the only two in the first line. We're again in three lines. I got a bit better than the siguiryia - I'm in the second line! And even at the side, so no one will hide me. Still, it's easier for me to remember the siguiryia and there I'm behind all the time and not much space. Now we've been asked to be close one to another. Maybe in the last line people see others instead of the mirror. I don't care. After what happen with the siguiryia every week - at least now I'm in the second line, the first got smaller and I'm not behind anyone thanks to that. This is the only thing I care about now. When we made all the thing  I noticed only few things: me and the first row made it well. The assistant mostly looked. The man... I think he made some mistakes, but I didn't really get into what he made. 

And moving to the siguiryia. While taking my water - I remind to Neta that if the tall one make some mistakes it's mostly cause we have some new steps that we made when she was gone. We've been asked to dance all and we'll fix the new steps we have for the going out from stage when we'll get to this point. We danced. As usual - I made a try to find a piece of mirror. I think that Neta saw it this time although she didn't say a word. The real problems has started when we get to the new steps. There was a part of some makes some steps while others stands (I'm in the second part with two others), and in the third part we all do it together and then we start to go out from "stage". Neta forgot this part and asked to make the salida (the part of going out). I don't remember every new step just like that, but this siguiryia is easy for me, no matter if Neta likes it or not. Well, there was a part which took me a bit of time to remember, but I have no problem with most and even the hardest part for me isn't too hard any longer. The new part from last week is already there deep inside my head how does we meant to do. I started to say it's wrong before we ended. Neta asked me to wait with my protest till we finish. Then... I remind we had this part before. So, who do what? I said about the part and remind that in the start it's Ilan and... Yeah, I remember correct! He suppose to do so with the tall one. Neta asked them to do the second part. Fine, what's next? I said that now the second part, the bimbo, the fat one and me do the second part. No one noticed that I say it's me as well. Fine, they will do it. The bimbo got a flashback and she knew what we meant to do. Oh, Ilan and the tall made our part. They started again, this time with the right thing. And we made our. And all of us. In the salida Still I didn't remember all who were first, but I did remember something and I did remember that I was second (again) with the assistant. First they all said I'm wrong and it has no logic, but after a while they said they understand what's the problem and it was what I said. In the first try after this war - Neta said that I started my salida a bit too early. We made it twice again. The other twice were good if we ignore the fact that again I'm out of space and mirror. I'm pretty sure that Neta saw it even she rather not to say a word.  Before the second time the assistant had what to say how we stand. The bimbo laughed a bit and said that the assistant should leave the images to Neta. And we made the salida and the little part before as I remembered. 

Between classes - Neta went out for a moment. I told Ilan that I don't get the point that until I remember well the new steps everyone has to argue with me. He said that it's the way in the studio - argues about everything. And the good thing - I got a "promotion" as I wanted and in the legs' part I'm a bit more forward and without anyone to hide me. And I still have my solo. 

The other class. Neta said we start to dance from the start, but instead we started to talk about what we're gonna wear in the end of year show. Some sat down in the conversation. So, if will be no changes - this end of year show will be different. Not only that normally we have to be with hair collected - the girls from the alegria classes will have their hairs unbound (or a bit collected while most is unbound). In my case - because I'm not only in the algria I will stay with the same thing all the time. In the medium level class of Sundays - they will wear clothes like they just came from the village. The buleria class..... Now has started a talk that we'll dance fin la fiesta in evening clothes. Smoking suits and so. 

We started to dance our buleria. Before we ended the part - Neta asked us to move making it as a cuadro although all of us remembered that we have one more part in a line before we move to a cuadro and do our solos. We made the rest as a little mess - not a real line and still not a real cuadro. 

And the solos part. The snobbish was the first. After her first mistake she's been asked to bring her mobile phone (if she has there a camera) for someone will take a video of hers and she will look at the video at home for she could fix her mistakes alone. So, we'll do it this time. Ilan took a video of the snobbish, her try to dance, her mistakes and the fixings. The bimbo moved to be the second one. She gave me her phone for taking a video of hers. The assistant had a "wise" thing to say about me taking the video. No one thought it was worth of saying something back to her. About this part... Neta asked us to go on more than I thought (the bimbo dance or at least try and I'm taking a video). The new nice one. The bimbo took a video. Her mobile phone again cause the new nice one didn't have a camera or a phone with a camera. Ilan's turn. He also asked me to take his video. Neta didn't like the fact that he try to make something complicated. The assistant... She started to try something. I went to bring my camera. And hey, no one take a video of hers? Neta asked for the video. The bimbo took the mobile phone of the assistant (which was in place which all saw). Still to the assistant took some time to notice that someone is taking a video. My turn. I gave Ilan my camera. Now the video without the guitar which is hard to me as usual. The mistake which I make with the guitar became much worse, and I made some other mistakes which I normally don't make with listening to the guitar. In the end Neta asked me to change the salida for it will be with less legs' work. 

We finished the class with listening to a buleria and a try to figure out where can we make each part. Once the bimbo started to argue with Neta cause she thought that it's possible to make something which doesn't fit.  I found myself as an example. Neta said that the bimbo is wrong and she makes something wrong and too dramatic. but it's enough to make what I do in this part. I do it well and clear, even with my mistakes. Our class took a little longer than it meant to because of the listening. 

On the way back home... There is an ice cream store. Ilan and me were talking in the last week that if we both make it well this time - we stop for an ice cream. It wasn't perfect, but we still stopped for celebrating the try. While seating, eating an talking - Ilan had an idea how to make his buleria better and more simple. He asked for my opinion. I think he's on the right way. 

After that - the night walk with my dog took longer than the ordinary......

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