Wednesday, May 22, 2013

All happen at once

So, I'm still not used to the new hour of Tuesdays and last week we didn't have any class at Tuesday. I forgot and came as ordinary. In the start I was glad it won't be in the last moment. Yeah, right... All were ready to start the class without me. I've been asked to come anyhow cause no one remember the stand of the legs' drill. I came and stood in my t shirt and jeans in my place. The tall asked me where does she stand. I don't remember THAT much. I went to change fast. I didn't even change the shirt, but I changed the jeans to my new skirt. I heard from the studio that they started. I came back and found pretty my place although the standing looked a bit different. I made only the last steps with them. They did made a change with the places. Now instead of three lines while I'm in the second - now it's four lines and I'm in the third. Still enough in the edge for having my own space without being behind anyone. Not third line again.... I was so happy with my place at last class, it was too good to stay this way......

Then Neta said something about the skirt - something about how lovely that I wear it. All eyes on me and the new skirt. I already know that new skirts/dresses/shoes makes always attention in the studio, but the looks were a bit weird this time. It didn't take much to make a feeling of a circle around me. Just a feeling. The assistant took that time to talk with me about the tickets to the end of year show. Well, I did try to reach her to ask more for family and friends. She had her stories... Neta asked us to stop.

Going on with the legs' drill, doing it again and again. I was a bit confuse in the first moment from my late, the attention and the tickets thing - till the first part took me some time to remember although I know it. From the second time it felt like I can do it all. But lines.... The third line got into the second line (at least the others, I did it once too after I made a try to be a part of my line). Second line has been pushed to the first. In one moment I noticed that the tall one still in the second line (unlike me) and it didn't disturb her to do the opposite with legs. Only after many mistakes Neta asked to notice the side of legs. The tall needed it.... 

And we had few new steps to end it. We made a practice, and when we had it - one more circle in the middle. We didn't like it in the start cause we all had enough and we want just to do what we already have. Neta said that she see that want to finish it and we need something that looks like end, so here it is. The circle was hard for me in the start. I didn't understand in the start how did it happen. After twice or three times I got it - accept I didn't have much energy - I forgot something basic that can help. I made it with a "tip" I received from Adi (yeah, Adi) and I made it like I never had a problem. 

One more change - near the end - Ilan walk and we all go with him to another part of "stage" for the end of legs' drill. Because we still not used to the new part - we made it bad twice. In the third time it was better. And one more thing - we'll do this drill twice in the show - once as a warming that the audience see. Most of it when the audience in our sides and only the last part to the audience/ Now.... If it will be this way - most of time no one will see me for sure. After once like this - I asked Neta what the hell it suppose to mean with this standing. She said she isn't sure yet, it was only a checking and even if we'll do it this way - it will be first time between two. 

And moving on to the siguiryia. I hate being in the third line! Accept the start - this is where I stand and can't do much. too much behind others (mostly behind the fat woman) and too much near the assistant who doesn't really move. I have to try NOT to run over her in one of the parts cause she doesn't move. 

In the part of almost getting to the end - some made the salida. As far as I didn't need much to remember this part, and after the last class' argues... I couldn't let it happen. I wanted to say something really serious about it, but all I could say was "NO!". This time it was enough. No one argued and all understood my meaning. So, another try to this part. Ilan and the tall has been asked to make a part, the part that I make with the bimbo and the fat woman. Again - instead of saying a full sentence - I said "NO!". Oh, right, they make another thing. When it was our part - Neta asked all of us to make the third part which comes after us. Third time "NO!" Right again, no one made a try to argue and we made our part. After that all was "clean" and we made it well. Accept the fact I'm still behind and near the assistant. Andrue came when we made the end of the siguiryia for the last time for this evening. 

Between classes Ilan helped the man with one of the things. This time - no tickets thing. 

The buleria. We're getting better, but few things in the end of all together weren't "clean". After some more practice - all made the solos part. All got better and still no one made it perfect. The snobbish really was sad with the way she looked. And this time I wasn't the only one who noticed that the bimbo makes some faces of suffering, even in buleria and even when it works out to her. In my case... I made the sign of making the singer to sing. Nothing happened. For a time which looked too long while I'm looking a bit on Neta and much more on Andreu in a way of "well... what's going on?" till something happened. When I finished Neta said that I didn't sign that I'm about to make it. 

We made all from the start. The all together was better. Some of the solos looked better. This time Neta really got into the faces of the bimbo. She said that the bimbo can get used to it and it will look bad. No one need to know that she made a mistake, so even if she's wrong - she have too look like nothing happened. In my turn she didn't have this time anything to say to fix me. Ok.... 

On the way back home I stopped again with Ilan at the ice cream store for making the feeling better

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