Monday, May 6, 2013

Again with Adi, first class

So, here we go again. She's still here and it's going on - almost from new. This time - and hour and a half each class, four classes. And about Mondays - it's in another studio.  I already heard about this studio before, but I have never been there before. Well, if we don't get into the fact I was near it last Saturday and with no connection I found out where it is. Just because I'm without a car and it's an area which I rather not to hang out alone (or at all) - I took a bus and took some time for being sure that there on time without getting lost. And the time for changing. I probably took too much time, cause it's still not too far from where I live, and I do go around too much in this area. I do know the main street of the area and from there it was easy. I came too early and found the place closed with no one around. Maybe not in much.. After few minutes Adi came with someone I saw in the first time. She called the owner of the studio for she would open up. Went out from the shower for us... Until the door was open - also came a girl who came for the first time last week in the last class of Mondays. Adi said that we meant to be 5-6 girls on Mondays, but one is sick and won't come today, another one would come from next week. We had few more minutes. It didn't take too long till the studio owner went away.

Class has started. First - to stretch. Lots of talking while doing it. It's a thing which can happen only in small groups when all feel good by being there. Another girl came, someone who also took the first round of Mondays. Before warming - Adi was warning the new one what's gonna happen and said that all hates her after this part. She said that the girl who will start next week (and was in the other round too) always say that she had enough and she's going away. We've been asked if we want an air conditioner or just air. I was the only one that wanted the air conditioner, so just air.

We started. It didn't take long till all of us started to sweat. Their will.... This studio was probably a store before it was a studio. The floor is made in wood, but it isn't a regular studios' floor. And one "wall" is a window to the street and covered by a curtain. The door was open, so it didn't take long till a stranger pulled the curtain a bit and watched us from the door. She was too thrill to go away and looked at us for minutes. A moment after she went - another guy watched a bit in the same way. The class itself - Adi looked a bit back to the strangers and looked a bit like she isn't sure if she suppose to say anything. The new girl received many fixings, the one who started last week - quite a lot as well, the other "oldie" received some fixings as well. In my case - I still didn't feel I'm doing it all perfect, one step is still confusing me, but it became easier. I was much less tired, I knew what's about to come, I knew that I want to do it. I was sure that because it's still a bit hard and still needs some improvements - Adi is about to fix me too. I guess that the waiting for fixings was the biggest mistake. Till the end of this part Adi didn't feel like she must fix me. When this part was over I asked if now all ready for an air conditioner. The answer I received was "NOW???????? It won't be good".

Few minutes for water and getting fresh. Basic circles around ourselves. This time I received a fixing - I wasn't enough in focus. Old habits are hard to get rid of. Then she looked at my hands and said that I did get burn. Only then I noticed that my skin turned red. We started to work on circles that Adi started to teach us last week. She said on another circle that it's basic, dancers do it a lot and not many teach how to do it. I guess it's right on this one as well. I saw many times dancers do it on stage, but with all the years that I learn and all the workshops that I go to - I started learning it from Adi. Well, this time - I still do it a bit slow and still not perfect, but I get the point and it become easier. So, practice more or go on? This time I was the only one who said her opinion - go on!

We started to dance a siguiryia. No, it wasn't the same one from the other round. A new one for us. While working on the siguiryia - once again a stranger pulled away the curtain and looked at us. We're probably something special - he was the third one who was watching, hardly went away, and till he was gone - he was the second stranger who was staring this evening and smiled. 

End of the class. That was fast. And from next week - we start a half an hour earlier and finish earlier. I made a call and found out that I have ride home. The other one who took all ran away. I still had time, so I took all slowly and took a part in the conversation between Adi the other two. I made a try to explain the one who started last week how to get another place in the city which she needed. I gave her the most simple way. She didn't believe and hardly understood. The real new one said that she doesn't get..... The husband of the studio owner came to close the studio a moment before my ride came. They asked him as well how to get there. He started to give something much more complicated, but they rather listen to him

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