Wednesday, April 3, 2013

I have to get use to it

I did remember that we're coming back to learn. but... At least Neta sent an e-mail about it. Tuesdays has a new hour - a bit earlier. I forgot about the hour. I made it one time. Still too weird and I wasn't sure I'll make it. Not only this - I had few hours of taking care for my niece today. I love this kid, but has too much energy for a girl - mostly in her age. After that - I started to feel a bit sick. I wasn't sure I would hold on and felt like a crazy for going to class. It was HOT in the studio, enough to get in for feeling it. It made me feel worse and crazier for being there. Only four in the beginners this time includes a new one to the studio. Hardly got in - two "hellos" - from Neta and the weirdo. Andreu came as well and left his guitar in the studio. Between classes he was still there. Neta told the new one who he is. The new one (and few others after her) asked that if he's coming for the next class - why does he already here? The bimbo started a conversation with me. She also went to the workshop of Maria Juncal last week, only in a different level. She wanted to know how was it for me. I almost started to get impressed by that and made me ask her too the same thing. Sad that she ruined it later on in the second class. 

Sadly - Ilan is more sick than I do and he isn't crazy as I am, so he didn't come. I was glad that the fat woman didn't try to come. I don't know why and I don't care. The workshop of Maria Juncal got over all of us. Neta who went to the advanced asked if we want a warming in the style of Maria Juncal. The answers were for both sides. I was one of those who said "YES!!!". Neta went with this kind of answers and we started with legs' warming like Maria do with a "touch" of Neta. Well, I didn't get Ilan, but my friend came from nowhere and changed slowly. Neta rushed her to join. After a while when she noticed that Neta make a rush with the steps - she told Neta how much Maria pushed us to make slower. Neta said that in the advanced she rushed them all the time. 

And our practice. The assistant had to show how "smart" she is and she asked who knows it. The answer she got was "everyone knows it". For having such a brake - it was too bad. My friend was behind. Clearly it was hard for her because it's something of this class which we do for months and she didn't take this class so far. Still she made a try and it looked like she understand most of it fast.

Circles.I went to drink. Most of the students went to the edge of studio. My friend was in the middle but signed me to come. In the start I got back to my place, but after I saw that all so sure to make the circles all around - I joined them. When I came to the edge - Neta said that she didn't mean to this kind. All were running back to their places. Some become easier to me. After that - the circles all over. Without to really notice - I became a part of the first couple with the new nice one. After one side I asked my friend if it remind her the classes of sevillanas. She said she doesn't, why? There were circles there too. She didn't remember. Now when I think of it - I'm not sure she took this class. I remember for sure that I was with her in the class that came later on in the same evenings. Once I got a fixing of working more with the head - to move it more. Near the end of it - I made it good enough. 

Start to work on the siguiryia. Once again - my friend made a try to join us. She couldn't do it all the time cause she doesn't know it yet. One of the times we made it - a face in the window. Weird, the fat woman isn't there.... After a while I understood it's Andreu. The bimbo got scared, a thing which didn't disturb her to tell him that he came on time. We learned few more steps for the siguiryia. Neta asked if we'll remember or a video needed. A video has been chosen. She said that in her mobile phone she can't have more videos, so who can make it? she asked someone who never made it. She asked her assistant who wasn't too happy with it (I think). I took my camera. As usual. 

The snobbish came pretty in the last moment. Between this class and next - my friend said that next year she will take this kind of classes. She asked me to see the video I took from the workshop of Maria. I didn't delete it yet and gave her. She took my camera outside for a bit of silence. When she got back - I took my camera back to my bag. We talked a bit and then I noticed that next class has started without me. I joined them. My friend asked what it is, but all were too busy in what's going on (maybe accept the assistant who probably was in herself). My friend changed and looked curious. She moved to sit next to Neta and Andrue who were on the side. Our buleria. When it was still a kind of start - the assistant joined too, but in a funny way. We all suppose to dance in a line most of time - till the moment each of us dance alone. She found a place behind us. It didn't take too long till the bimbo made her worst mistake in my eyes for the evening - she asked "Orna, why don't you stand in the line?"/ I answered - "I stand in the line!". After all thought about it - few told her it's the assistant and not me who stand out of line. She apologized, but it was too late.

The part of each alone. The snobbish was first. She didn't make it and made many mistakes. The new nice one was after her. Her condition wasn't better. Many fixings for both of them. Still - Neta told my friend that the bravest girls in the studio goes to this class. The assistant sat down. The turn of the bimbo. Even that she's the pride of Neta and get complements all the time for getting better - she didn't do well. Many fixings. About one of the things my friend made a try to make it easier for her to understand. Neta asked her assistant to try. She was afraid cause who is she and who is the bimbo. TRY! The way she looked.... I wanna kill the bimbo for confusing between us! I'm not THAT bad, even when I'm not good. The assistant has been told that at least she try, but she have to learn the steps. My turn. I was a bit afraid, mostly from making mistakes in from of the eyes of my friend. Once I did a mistake and made a try to "get in" when I wasn't suppose to. In the end - not much fixing. Although others got many fixings and I'm not the "Neta's pride" - I've been told it's "more or less". After what others did and the fixings they received - I can live with it. At least it wasn't too much making a fool of myself when my friend watch. 

Once again all from the start. Neta asked to try doing it a bit different when we do it alone. In the making al together - some made two similar but not the same in the opposite order. In the part of each alone... The snobbish one looked better than the thing she did before. Although she's snobbish - she  probably the only one who didn't notice she made it better this time. The assistant sat again. The new nice one made some mistakes. My friend asked Andreu to play different for it would be more clear to her. Andreu said she's wrong this time cause the dancer need to feel it and he's going on with her. The turn of the bimbo. She still made some mistakes, mostly the one that Neta liked the less. Neta asked her assistant to take another try. It was less horrible than before, and yet...... My turn. Again - once I missed, but I didn't make a fool of myself most of the time. 

We had a bit more time. One practice of letting Andreu play while each do alone a buleria with hand only. Neta showed us what she mean while making moves she never worked with us. The assistant asked how to make it and she never got her answer. All made some mistakes. I found myself once again with the same mistake, and this time - with no idea how to go out from it. Neta stopped it. As far as were two more minutes - Neta made it again - the buleria with hands only. 

After class few more things. I said to the the bimbo that I hope it's the last time she confuse between me and the assistant. All wanted to ask/tell Neta something. And again - the workshop of Maria and the horrible studio that it took a part this time. I went to change out my dress to t-shirt and jeans. The new nice one and the bimbo were still there. They asked me (the new nice one was the one who said it, but the bimbo was waiting for an answer too) - if I know the woman who looking at us. Of course I know! She's in the studio of Neta even more years than I do! The bimbo asked: "and how many years do you learn?". Seven. So, the next question - did Neta teach all the years in this studio? No and this studio was one the reasons for me to be needed a brake from batas.

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