Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The missing...

It was was weird this time. Not all were in the beginners, but there was someone new that I saw. I went to change. Ilan came this time. The weirdo decided to stop dancing and sit next to him. I still didn't delete from my camera the photo with Juan de Juan. I went to show them. In the end of the class of beginners Neta told them that after the holiday - the would start earlier (but the hour did sound to me like something that was meant to start). When the beginners finished - I noticed that Ilan didn't change his shoes to the flamenco shoes. I asked him if he's modelling snickers this time. He said that he came sick and this time he will mostly look at us. 

Our class has started with telling us that our class on Tuesday will start earlier too. Someone asked if it will go on for good or it will happen once. So, all the time. We started a short legs' warming. I noticed that the new one from beginners was behind me, but even then it was after she asked if it's possible to stop for making the steps more clear. Neta said that it doesn't fit this class. Neta came to her.  Not much later - she wasn't there any longer.  Then I saw someone else that I don't remember that I saw before. She was with us, but from some reason she seemed to try hiding. I made a try NOT to hide for her the mirror, but she was behind me all the time. 

And making a practice on some parts of the legs' thing we'll do in the end of year show. One thing has been changed. There was a thing that Neta showed us how to make it, Ilan made it more difficult most of times, now we all need to make it like Ilas does. It's possible! He still looked at us in this point. And  the new one didn't know what to do. Neta told her to look at the bimbo. The bimbo blushed. Ilan already changed to his flamenco shoes. 

We made some circles. Firstly around ourselves. Ilan made his try although he's sick. For a sick person - he made it great. For me... When it was two at once I didn't make it well. We moved to circles all around. I was in the first couple - with the new one. We made a mix of two kinds while the biggest part is an easy one for me (just have to remember keep on focus). Ilan decided it's too much for him. It wasn't too much for me. Neta shouted to me least twice that I do it well, even the new mix. 

Moving to a little thing of the siguiryia, some practice. And all the siguiryia. It wasn't perfect. Neta didn't notice, but all times we made it - the bimbo moved forward like it's a part of the dance when it wasn't. She was the only one who did it, a thing which made me hide without my will. Once I could move, but after making a little mess. Other times.... I was too close to the benches, the assistant and the man too much beside me, and the new one... Once again is hiding behind me. I didn't have were to move, so I was too much behind and hiding like I was afraid of. Neta did notice other mistakes of the bimbo.  Ilan pretty came back for dancing, but he made only the start with us, the rest - he only looked.

For the end - once making the legs' drill. 

Next class. It took some time to "get into it". Ilan made his try to dance all the time. All of us made some mistakes while the bimbo is on the target. The new one sat there and looked at us for a while, some of the time with making us palmas.  The weirdo was still there toobut didn't dance. She checked homework of her students. It looked like she teach kids. Neta asked her if she doesn't suppose to go. She said she's waiting for.... 

Later on she sat near Neta and started to hooray some. A joke started over this that now she's the teaching assistant of Neta. 

One little brake for listening a bit more bulerias. Ilan looked at me (and I know why) and started to sing the last song that was on the show with Juan de Juan in the last festival. Later on - a try to dance with a buleria we heard. We made it terrible. Neta told us we must make it in a way it's clear we know what we do. The eyes, all about the eyes. After all of us made a part that she thought it was good because our looks (and we;re a box of chocolates) - she asked the weirdo if isn't it's truw we looked good this time. The weirdo said we did. Each made alone. The girls didn't do it perfect, but accept the assistant - it wasn't too bad. Ilan made it good. My turn. Oh my, when it doesn't include a guitar or dancing with others..... I didn't do it well and got confused. 

And each one alone all. Before it started - I told Neta that I think it could be easier with the guitar. Once again - none of the girls made it perfect, those who dared. Ilan made a try too which (yeah, him as well) wasn't perfect. Neta asked what we think. After some said it was good - Neta said that she expect more from him. She told him what was the problem. My turn. For a start - I had a bad feeling, so for it will be clear for all what push me back - I said "Where is Andrue when he's needed?". Only then I started my try. I wasn't sure of what I did. In the end, it was "ok". Still I have to improve keeping the beat even when I don't hear a guitar. And my salida........

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