Friday, February 8, 2013

Made my day (one more part)

So, here it goes again: something that remind to stop for another moment to thank.

Few days ago I received a message from a dancer, a former Israeli who lives in Madrid for years. She come here to visit a lot and bring a bit more senses of flamenco and Spain to Israel. She wrote me that she read my blog. I see it as a big honor for me. by the way - she remind me about Feria de Abril which we will have this year for the third time in Tel Aviv. Promise to write more about it and remind more when it get closer. And this time - it will be for two days. I have a feeling that I have to be at least in one of the days - forstly for my own pleasure, and secondly - one more interesting thing to write about.

And one more from here... I know she clicked "like" in the fan page of the blog, but... Now she made some signs that she really read it. 

And for today - I couldn't help it any more. One more:

Today I received a message from someone that I never met before. She wrote me through the page private that she read it everyday and she thanked me for writing it. Well, I always feel thankful that I have readers. If the readers loves it - even better (for me). The problem is that I probably missed again some information. I just heard from her about a workshop of Maria Juncal in Tijuana. I still don't have all details, but I hope to get. 

And after thanking and after I admit that once again I missed some information - don't hesitate to let me know. If you know something which I'm not about shows/workshop/festivals of flamenco around the world - feel free to write me. You can write me to the fan page of the La Reina De La Luna + in Facebook. Of course - giving all details would be great, but flyers would be better. I'm always pleased to publish those things. 

Thank you all!  

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