Tuesday, February 5, 2013

I know that

I know that I was meant to be now in a class and to write about it later. Once again - opening night of an art exhibition that I'm taking a part it. Again this weird day for an opening of exhibition. 

When I got back home - it was pretty clear that I will miss a the start of the second class. And as I know my dog - he would be freaked out if he will see me go in and out from the house without taking him for a walk. 

So now it's the time for the second class to get near the end.

I miss too many classes now for this year. Although I make it up with workshops, but it isn't the same thing that I learn at the studio of Neta, and we're already start to get ready to the summer. And let's not forget that one workshop made me miss once this year a class......

So, even that I want to take a part in exhibitions - I'm not sure I will be able to take it in the next time. It's missing classes, and taking a part in exhibitions is always spending money. Right now - I have few workshops and shows which I spend my money about

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