Wednesday, February 13, 2013

By flying

I'm sorry if it's gonna be weird this time. I don't want to forget, but my head stopped working for today. Came tired from the usual and I could feel it from the middle or so of learning tonight.

This time - at least I came this way I could change without a rush. I helped the beginners a moment after. They were four this time - the two new men and two of the girls. One of the girls wanted to dance and wanted a video. She and Neta made me as the video make with the mobile phone of the beginner. 

Between classes - Neta was a bit shocked: too many men at once. Not only for the beginners - we had two men of ours. I had to say "like it's a bad thing" (I don't think it's bad). Neta said it isn't, and I guess she understood that I meant it isn't by saying it. The beginner I took who I took a video in her phone started to tell me how come it isn't. She don't get when I say a thing as a joke (or close to it). 

Our class has started with the legs' practice we'll have in the end of year show. A little fixing and do it again. And again. And with our backs to the mirror. This time I didn't go to the front and I normally do. The fact I missed this class last week while others didn't... I like the place I am. But this time the only thing that confused me was that Ilan forgot a part in this round and "ran" to the part after. I stopped to think what's going on. Some went after him, but not all. Neta stopped all of us for nothing will be forgotten. Once again doing it with our faces to the mirror.

And working on some steps of the siguiryia. It was also with steps that I didn't remember I was working on, but somehow it was easy for me to get it. Neta fixed me a bit on something else. 

And turning around ourselves. Still two rounds in a row is a problem for me. 

And turns around the studio. I was half from the second couple (with Ilan). Ok, Orna - ready? I was. And the big joke for tonight: before the second time - Neta asked us to take a coin. Each one of us will take a coin and put in our ass........ This way we have to do it! Like we have a coin in our ass! The man said that he has a carrot if anyone of us need it. And started some jokes of broom and how do we have to push it. The laughs hardly stopped. Since the second round has started Ilan signed me to come to prepare. After the second time Neta said that we got better. It didn't help her for asking to do it with more energy. I could stop thinking about the coins. I wasn't the only one. One of the girls said that the image don't go out from her head. 

And dancing on our siguiryia. We had few things to fix, but we're getting better. When we almost finished the class - the man who open and close for us the studio came in and called Neta. He said that someone called the police because of our noise. The windows has been closed for last practice. The last time we dances - Neta asked us to be in a row. We start as a row and she made me the first in the row. The assistant was behind me. After her - all the rest. The start looked amazing this way. Then we'll take it as a group. 

Second class has started. This time we started with solea. Working on things we already know and few new ones as a warming. And working a lot together. Not much after - I started to feel that my head is in another place and I hardly can think of the steps. 

One person opened the door to the studio, looked and went. Not much after - another one opened the door, looked and went. Oh great! Who are they???? After a while when we stopped for getting some information of how can we do it alone with our mixing - someone started a war with the door. In the end - a woman opened it and said she apologize, but does any of us know where there are glasses here? Some a bit more practice. I started to think where should I'll give my dying concentration. So this woman got that I'm not really there, so she started to ask me things. Well, my concentration isn't in the class any longer. 

Time to think of how do we do it alone. And Neta said I'll be the first. Me? First of all - "NO! NO! NO! I finished my ability to concerntrate for today!". Neta asked me if I want to do it with her. Fine. And after me - none of the fellows were on their best. At least I'm not the only one.

For the end - a bit of the buleria. Just a bit. 

After class Ilan warned me as a half a joke that we have 6 more months, we have to get ready. I said that Im gonna die. He asked me if I want to die or want another round. I want another round. He kept his line and said that it mean I must work harder, and in the end - Miguel will come to see me. I said that I already told Miguel that I'm gonna die. Ilan said that Miguel will come to save me. 

Outside we still talked a bit and he said that this time we don't go together. A moment later after I started to go home - I heard someone calling me. He changed his mind. Near my house he asked me if I still have to take my dog for a walk. As it feels - my dog is gonna take me for a walk...... (and he did). 

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