Saturday, December 15, 2012

The saga ain't over yet (will it ever?)

So, the "great dancer" from Be'er Sheva probably read this blog as well and don't like it (in her case - she has a good reason for that). It's still impossible to runaway from her and HER publishings about her recent show. I've been told that everyone will hear more about it for a long time. I had no doubt about it. So, she uploaded to Facebook an album of photos from her show - at least once at her group, and at least once again in my group. Well, I said nothing. It's an open group and it's all about flamenco. She counts herself as a flamenco dancer, and others who shared the stage with her are true flamencos. Since then - me and some others uploaded some more things about flamenco to the group. So, today after I uploaded many new things that I uploaded here before - I saw that a gipsy dancer who took a part in this joke uploaded the same album to the group. It looked a bit strange: I saw who uploaded the album, I saw that she made a "like", but I couldn't reach the fellow. Well, it was easy to see how did it happen. Recently I made a new Facebook profile cause I can't have some new friends in the old one, and an old friend that I didn't hear from her for years found me through Facebook. In our times - I see Facebook as the best way to keep on contacts and having some new ones. I made a new one mostly for her. I have few who are friends of mine in both profiles, but it still mostly for having some new ones. So I checked out through my new profile. Through there - I could get this guy like an ordinary person who has a profile in Facebook and didn't get any block. Once I said something to the "great dancer" after she published twice the same thing in my group, a matter of minutes between the times. This is an unusual step for me, but I know that she usually has something bad to say to others in her group. I hope it isn't too cruel, but this time I didn't say a word and didn't try to warn, I just deleted it. This group is there for years, first time (and hope that last one as well) that I do a thing like this. And by the way - I won't tell who, but someone told me that he's very close to delete her from his friends' list cause she piss him off, but it's too funny to read what she writes as status every time. Now I heard from him that she wrote that it's enough from people who are modelling their life, their love life and so on. He really held himself NOT to answer her that she do this modelling all the time....

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