Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Once again - thanks for all the lovely readers

Just to show my deep regard again for my readers... Just telling by nombers how many times at all since I started this blog till now. Ten stated that got in the most from day one till now. Thank you all. I love you: Russia - 6277. United States - 5685. Spain - 1518. Israel - 1428. Germany - 711. Italy - 656. United Kingdom - 500. Argentina - 355. France - 321. Canada - 237. Well, I'm from Israel (where there is a big scene of flamenco and it's in the fourth place), I know that all other states in the top ten has diplomatic connection with us, in some I have been for travelling (and loved it), but I saw that from time to time there are some entrances from states that we're not connected (and it's we should, maybe flamenco will give peace). It's still a surprise for me - I know that in Japan people love flamenco at least as we do in Israel, I know that from time to time people from there got into the blog and once I've been asked in a private massage in facebook why don't I bring more information about flamenco events in Japan. Well, the answer is that I still need to work on getting myself this information. And here in the blog - Japan isn't on the top ten... So, because I love you and because I'm here for giving this information (one of the reasons for this blog) - dancers, musicians and other flamenco lovers can always send me information about any flamenco event around the world. You can find the fan page in facebook (one way to send information) or sending to e-mail and I'll try to give all attention. It's better to send in formation in virtual flayers. Photographers who makes flamenco photos can send as well and they will receive all credit for the photos

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