Wednesday, October 31, 2012

And tonight...

Almost in the last moment again. I came a moment after the fat woman. I through her and her husband fast. Lots of looks in a try to make a fear. I got in - everyone outside again. I saw Ilan near the door. I told him that the pip show is already there. I'm not sure if they heard it or not, but I don't really care. The bit that I do - I hope they did. After I changed - I saw that Anreu is there too. told him that I thought that he will come next week. Lucky him, next week he will be in Spain. Still he said that he won;t play to us this time. He did play in the first class. On oud (and Arab kind of tool for music that reminds a guitar). Till our class has started - I noticed the song that the beginners learn this year. It's a tango that Neta gave to beginners 2-3 years ago and I heard every week till the class I took has started. Tangos in the most basic palo (beat) in flamenco and all beginners starts with it, as much as I know - NOT only in this studio. Of course - it's possible to learn it in a different way after you become an advanced and it will feel in a different level. Since I started with Neta - all beginners starts with tangos, but normally she changes the song. It's the second time that she use the same song. It happened once after I finished the first year. She said that we (the beginners of that year of history) made it so pretty till she wants to give it to some more beginners. I don't know the reason of this time... But it isn't in a roll this time. When our class has started and we got in front of the mirror - Ilan told me that I should think that I'm in Vegas and there is a pulpit there that I can dance on. Maybe I will get even some money for it. In this class this time the hardest thing for me was the heat and the fact that few times the bimbo got too close to me. There were few steps a bit confusing, but I handled it. One of them took me a while and I'm not sure that it "sits" in my body, but at least I didn't give up. Neta asked if anyone heard before an Arab flamenco as we have now in the back round with the oud. In the same moment I was too much focused (for a change) in how to do the steps right for trying to give an answer. And the silence of others didn't make want to say that I did a bit. I even have a song which is a flamenco and sounds more like an Arab song (totally crazy for it. I recommend to get and listen to Ech Adani of Suad Massi). We danced in front of a mirror, a thing that didn't help the assistant. She even got near Neat, in front of her and looked her like this. Instead of looking on legs for getting the point - just on her face. Ilan has started near the end with jokes on the pip show. I told him it's makes me a lot of stress (doing this pip show) and he said that he (the husband) should get stress. He will see all in the end cause we will show him. Circles. In the first time I could catch the team of Ilan cause we had to do it in trios and this "trio" was including 5 people without me. After that I made it. Still in the middle of studio I found out that two of us and the nice one are not trio and there is one or two more with us. Once I wasn't focused anymore and I got a fix by Neta. Andreu went, Neta changed the lights and we made again a thing which is more clasico EspaƱol. This time I figured out how much I love this part in this class (a lot). Few who never stay to next class has started to change. Their lost. Next class. We left 6 people. Almost all of us are in the first class that I take in Tuesdays, but only few stay (5 of us from the first and the snobbish woman). For a start we listened a bit to buleria from a CD. And going on with practice. Mostly together. And we started with a new thing. A part that called patada and it's only in bulerias. I was amazed I got it fast although I was already a bit tired and the fact others had some problems with it. And we made some videos. In this part for Neta got enough from the shoes and all of us wanted videos, so... She danced us this part with bare feet for we'll be able to practice it outside the studio as well. And each will improvize. Got into a circle. The snobbish was first. Made many mistakes but made the new part as well. After her... Someone who I start to like. She started at the studio of Neta last year, was in the medium level and now she learn in the same classes as I am. Last year I was a bit suspicious about her because a weird thing she did. I start to think that maybe she just has a bad day that day. She got a blackout and wanted to give up. She didn't had this chance. Neta pushed her to try till she make it. It wasn't good, but at least she made a try. The bimbo made a try. Some mistakes as well, but got better than others. The new part has stopped in her turn. The weirdo made a try which looked bad. Ilan was after that. He probably came in a bad day this time. He also made some mistakes and he can do much better than he did this time. I was the last one. Seeing the mistakes of others gave me confidence. After them - it won't be terrible to have some of my own. Well... I had some. Once I wanted to "get in" in a wrong part and other times I wasn't clear enough. Our class has finished with a practice of palmas of buleria. At least with this I'm getting better

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