Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Workshops this summer

Looks like I won't go to any summer workshop this year. The only one who comes this year from Spain is a former Israeli. I thought to go to a workshop of Neta - in case it will happen. Well, that won't happen. Neta sent an e-mail that it has been cancel. Now I have to wait to September till I'll go back dancing. Till then I will have only things to tell it happen, and to tell how was the show of Einat Schacham. I'll see it in the end of this month. A week and a half without it - I already miss it, even after it ended a bit hard for me this year. After September's new year I will have much more to tell. It will include again about the classes, I already have my ticket to Tomatito in Tel Aviv in the end of October, I know that Miguel Angel will be back to Israel in the middle of December... I know it will include some shows, and as I heard - workshops as well. I still try to found out the dates and places for that. When I'll get all the information - it will come to here and I'm sure that I will have something to tell from being there

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