Monday, August 13, 2012

Coming up to the next premier

As I said - this end of month will be a premier to the first solo show of Einat Schacham. So far she danced in companies of others and now she starts her own solo way. I know her personally through the studio of Neta Shezaf. I danced with her a year and half in some of classes and I know that she still dance from time to time in the company of Neta. I know that Einat is amazing in every single thing - a great talent in one person and she is a sweet person. After a long time I didn't see her - I heard from Neta about the upcoming show of Einat. I met her again in the show of Yael Horwitz. I told her that I heard about it and wanna come to see her on stage. She promised to tell me when she will have closed dates, and Neta who was there said that firstly Einat will send her and she will send all studio the details. I didn't have to wait Neta - I received 3 dates for the show at Felicja Blumental Music Centre, Tel Aviv. One of them is the premier - this August. I got my ticket to the premier pretty fast. I heard from Einat that the tickets' sell goes fast. Didn't take too long till she said that the first date (which I'll go) is already full-booked and it's possible to get tickets for the second date at September. She said and published it at least 2-3 times that. Only today, after that yesterday was one of those times to publush this information - the assistant sent e-mails that Einat has this show. It's weird, three dates, one is already possible to get tickets only if someone cancel in the last moment - and the assistant say it like it's only one date - the full-booked one....... Lucky me that I already heard about it in time and will be there to enjoy and tell about it

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