Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Next year in the studio of Neta Shezaf

It's already possible to get into next year in the studio of Neta Shezaf. a class of beginners will be at Wensdays at the hour 18:30. The class will start at 5th september. Will be two medium level classes - Sundays and Tuesdays at the hour 18:30 (both). It will start at the dates 2/9/2012 and 4/9/2012. Advances (technique and cheography) will happaen at Sundays at the hour 20:00 since 2/9/2012. Advances with bata de cola will take a part at Wensdays at the hour 20:00 since 5/9/2012. Classes for kids will take a part at Wensdays at the hour 17:00 since 5/9/2012. Tachnique classes for medium level and advanced (one hour class) will happen at the hour 20:00 since 4/9/2012. Pa Saber Flamenco - imporvisation to medium level and advanced (an hour class) at Tuesdays at the hour 21:00 since 4/9/2012. Possible to get a touch in her site http://www.netashezaf.com/

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