Monday, July 23, 2012

Last farruca to this year

Too many things tonight. I guess that I was THAT tense last time from end of year show till I couldn't any longer with it. This is the last week for this year and show this Friday. I came this time when I wasn't sure how am I gonna make it. I felt sick. And I came walking all the way in the heat, so I didn't really need a warming. This time I heard from outside the music different. Only when I got in I understood why. Finally the singer who will perform with us came. I have some conclusion: I don't like the way he looks (NOT that it's important, but...), he isn't bad but ain't the best. I still think that Shuky "takes him by walking". Shuky who was the first choice have much better voice and I think he has much more talent. I went out to change. I had my dad's shirt and already tights made for dance. I know that people won't see it under the pants, but I should get used to it. In the show itself I will have to dance with bata with tights under and in the show itself - I'm not sure how long will it take me to do this change as well. When I got back to the studio - the fat woman took my place on the bench, so I needed to wear my dance shoes standing. She won't move... I was taken by surprise that no one said anything about the shirt, mostly after last week. And this time - only three of us were wearing white shirt. One was the fat woman (with all fa outside. repulsive). Both sir conditioner were working, so better for me. This time I had the chance to feel again how does it's different for the dance when you wear some different things. In this men's shirt it felt cooler and I was hardly sweating. Much easier this way. And a lot of work. Making the end more perfect. We were working mostly on the end - the tango part of the farruca. I had few mistakes, but some little ones and I moved on. Amazing how does the the singer affects the "ballerina". She finally gave me my space and I could see that she's looking if I have it. And dancing all. In this part or so I noticed that I don't feel sick any more and I'm relax. I hope to be relaxed like this in the show (although it's hard for me to believe). When we hardly started to practice all dance with the singer - it was enough in the first steps of the entrada for Neta will ask us to start again. Two thirds of class were good for me. In one little brake I still heard the guitar. When I looked I could see that the singer took the guitar. He played on it and sang. In the dance itself I had a part that confused me because the messy kido wasn't there and I suppose to respond to her. In the start of the tango part the non-clean started to move too much. I had to respond it cause I'm next to her in this part and she moved to my side. Neta asked her few times NOT to do it, but it didn't help. Then the singer asked when does this class ends. He started to be nervous. Neta checked if he will come to the bata class this week. He said he will. Neta asked if anyone remember a part of the caƱa. Well, only three of us and no one remember. I wasn't sure I got to which part she mean and I was too much into the farruca. Once again just working on a small part with him and he went. He said something about a show. This part became harder. The "ballerina" back to her bad behavior and didn't give me any space. I already said "SPACE!" while dancing, I moved a side... The "ballerina" saw but didn't mind. In a part we need to be all close to each other - I got a fixing that I need to get closer. Too much care about my space. The fat woman was very aside any case and got a fixing as well. We ended a bit after time. This time for a change when I went some girls were still there. And all class we has a visitor - one of the daughters of Neta was there. She had there a thing which I don't know it's name (what a hole in my education). It looks a bit like a scooter, but has a part of it's own to each leg. In the little brakes she drove on it all over the studio. It was pretty cute

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