Thursday, May 17, 2012

A little bata class

I don't remember any class like this one. All beginners were there, also a new one. I can't understand why did she start NOW when it's almost end of year, but that's her problem. I went out to change just because I didn't want the husband of the fat woman would come by surprise. And after the sizes' issue... When I came back - I was still the only one from the bata de cola's class. The paintings of the clothes' models were on the wall again. Oh my... One more reminder that I want some more. In another look - it isn't only one more skirt that I want - I saw two that looks like skirts that I would be happy to wear when I dance. And I already bought a new one recently that I had used only in the course on Maria Juncal. The "smart" one came and got into her bata. I didn't give up on my practice pants. When the beginners finished - the fat woman came in. Now I'm sure that we'll be watched. The beginners got into the mess of in case they should invite some skirts. The one who looked to me like she's looking for women was inviting - she wrote on the invitation papers herself. It took too long in my eyes. I wanted to start. When really had this time - the kid came with her snobbish mother. Neta was happy to see her. She thought it's time to show in which bag she takes the invitation with very old photos of hers on it. And starting. A weird sentence: to start the with without - with pants, without the bata. The "smart" one needed a long time to change again while we start the class with hands' warming. I asked Neta if we really have to ask our guest in the end of year to pay. She said it's only an offer and all studios do it. I had to go on. I asked if the seamstress has started to work on my pants. Neta said that not yet, but maybe I'll have it in another 10 days or two weeks. Till then - she will have those pants. She didn't mean to hurt me with the sizes, it's just because it's a new thing and ard to say how would it will be. When her pants will be ready - she will give me to try it for being sure if the seamstress should make me in this size. When the hands' warming ended - Neta told us that the nice one called her and said that she give up on this class. And when my friend heard about it she said it is a difficult class. Neta said that by the way my friend re-act - she probably will leave this class as well although she still didn't say so. The fat woman said it isn't a surprise that the nice one leave, but the other one? This is weird... The "smart" one remind that the red head didn't come for a long time. Wearing our batas. Neta told the snobbish who sat on one of the benches (inside the studio as a normal person!) that we have a great dance this year, a big step since last year - she will see. And practice. While practice and warm our ability to use our batas I felt proud of myself. About one of things Neta had what to say to fix us, but didn't say it personally to me. All girls - to fix or say nothing. Until I received from her "Ole Orna!". That was fun. While we started really to dance - the snobbish has been vanished. She didn't see yet our beautiful caƱa. Well, my happiness was probably was too soon. After all the brake - I missed a bit. Once I forgot the steps and once I remembered and made the right but too slow. And working on weak points. The snobbish got back with water. Later on she saw our dance and took a video of her daughter. There was a thought if to make some new steps, but we worked so hard on making old steps look better. One of those - I made it better with my body and legs till I forgot to use my hands as I should. After one "ole" - now comes the fixing me... Both air conditioners has worked most of time, one has been closed few minutes before the end. Although the air conditioners - I felt it's so hot there. No, I'm not in this age yet - it's dancing an hour and a half with a bata de cola. The husband didn't look at us all class. It was a nice surprise. In the end - the snobbish and her daughter had a long look at the clothes' models. A long talk. The daughter noticed it near the end of class. I told Neta that at least on the paper - the pants' model looks to me kinda Carmen Amaya's style. I do mean it. Neta said that it probably because she made it old fashion style. This time I wasn't the only one to the stay the last. I went out with Neta, the snobbish and her daughter.

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