Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Between brakes

The other one who always comes at Tuesdays came to the medium level class as well. As far as there was no class last week and she comes from far (Jerusalem) - she wanted to come for another class, and it's better if it's in the same evening. In the last minutes she preferred to sit and send text messages in her phone. One of the old ladies didn't stop talking about a part which is hard for her. She said that she do something else. Neta said it's fine, but half the time that the others dances - she stood and looked. And there was twice they started again cause she was meant to be the sign for the start and she did nothing. In the end of their class the man started to talk about the holiday that will come in this weekend. Thing that non-religious people won't try to know. Weird. The other girl looked so tired... I asked her if she's alive. She said what is was possible to see and that maybe it will be the last time she will come to do it. The girl from Haifa came. The man who still was there called her a guest from abroad. He never saw her before at Tuesdays... We started to practice. It was a try to remember. The other one who always comes was the one who could remember better than all of us although her condition. And we did a new part. The legs' work is the same, but when we started to get it - it was time to work that each one do it with a different face and different moves in the hand for we all have something else after all. I've been asked to take my fan for I'll use it. The girl from Haifa has been asked to change the hand from the way we practiced and recived and idea. I took my fan in my cleavage. Neta told me that last time she doesn't like to put her fans there, maybe I'll try to put it in the skirt. I said that I'm used to this, but I tried her idea. I didn't put it right, but even when I fixed it - it wasn't comfortable to me. I felt like I'm have some wars with the fan. After few times - the fan got back to the cleavage. It was much easier for me to pull it out from there in the time. Still - one time wasn't perfect and Neta asked me to practice opening the fan just like this. Accept that - Neta told us few times that three of us looks really pretty when we do it. Then she took a video of three of us do this thing - each in her way. And to dance. Before - the girl from Haifa asked to take a video of Neta do another part. I asked Neta if we can get back to the old way of my dance. I reminded her that in the last two classes we made one part longer on the time of another part. She said that this time they won't try to confuse me. Ok, who's first to dance? The other one who always comes said that she needs to rest a bit. So, me or the girl from Haifa? She said that she don't remember, but it's written and in her car. So it's me again. The girl from Haifa went out. I was pretty calf for the situation - a thing that din't help me to do it perfect. I remembered all parts and steps, but few times I tried to do it in the wrong time. Neta started to dance with me. In one part near the end it sounded different between her steps and mine although we did the same. We moved over on this part to understand what's wrong. The problem was that I don't do it "clean" - few times I do it fine, but sometimes I forget steps or brings some new ones that didn't mean to be there. Neta asked me to take a video of her legs for for I could practice with it at home. She did it very slow for it will be clear for me. The girl from Haifa got back, but the other one has been asked to make her dance. It was very difficult for her just because she was THAT tired. After a while it was the turn of the girl from Haifa. Neta asked the other one if she wanna go or stay, after all if she feel this way and it's almost the end. She said she wanna see the the girl from Haifa dance. She did it, but it was hard for her as well cause she missed many classes. Neta danced with her. One part she asked to have a video to remember. She asked me to do it. I did. When it was over I closed the recording, so she thought that I didn't take the video. In the end - she wanted to take a video of all. She asked the other one to make it. This time - they looked like they are hurry, I was glad for what was there although it is a hard one.

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