Friday, April 20, 2012

After one day

There was one memorial day, so no class. There was the option that once the beginners and the bata classes will be at Thursday. Many said they can, but the assistant of Neta didn't think to say if enough girls said they can. I went to class without to be sure if I'll come just to see that there is no class. When I saw the light from the studio and girld dance there - I got relax. Only three girls from beginners. One of them still looks to me a weirdo. I left a piece of paper on the chair of Neta. A moment after I took off my daily shoes - Neta asked if I mind to take a video. They all take and she wants one of her own. As a usual thing (to me) - I took off my camera from my bag. No, she wants in her phone. I missed a bit in the start, but I took what Neta wanted. Neta asked what is this paper. I remind her that I promised to bring it if I'll remember. It's a weird critique that has been published in the paper few days ago about the festival that she took a part in. The same writer who don't get a thing when it's a flamenco matter. There were two photos - one of Neta with the death mask and one of the dancer with the ducks. Neta told about the ducks and one of the girls helped. I didn't see her there, she probably went in another evening. I don't remember what happened - I told that I wasn't sure that I'm not coming for nothing. It made a talk. The beginners said that weren't sure. Neta said that her assistant wrote e-mails, but... We all got confused because all of us received e-mails tha we need to answer fast if we can come - but none of us received any e-mail if it does happen in the end. But we're here. The fat woman got in. The weirdo said "Orna always come on time" (oh my! she remember my name! What a pitty that I can't remember her name). Neta said that the I'm always first and the fat always comes after me. Ok, so she didn't say "fat", but the meaning was to this woman. I didn't change yet and thought to do it in the studio, but as far as the fat woman was there and found a place near me - I didn't want to take the chance that her husband will look at me like this. I went to the ladies room. I had a luck that I didn't pull off anything yet. The cleaner man got in a "storm" and didn't think that maybe... I went to the teachers' place to change. After I got back and while I took on my flamenco shoes and taking my hair like it is in classes - the beginners went out. Where are the others? Probably will late. Neta looked at the clock on the wall. Oh, it isn't the time yet, she will bring her bata from her car. The fat woman and me didn't even try to talk. I went to the other side of the stusio and tried to do something... The nice one got in. Neta got back. The nice one got out with her phone. She got back and said that the friend in the way. After my friend came too and they both changed - we started with hands' warming. And getting into the batas. The "smart" one came. We made some warming in the batas, practice and dance. First time we really danced - I don't know how did it happen, but I missed doing the "torrero" which I love so much. Other times I missed few steps cause it was too crowded around me and I found myself almost on the wall. I already have a trauma from the husband of the fat woman - I looked out all the time for I'll see if he's there. This time he wasn't in the window, but for me he in his spirit - which is bad enough. And some new steps for our caƱa. When Neta started to check what can we do - a couple watched us from the window. It wasn't bad like the husband because he's a Peeping Tom while it looked that they are really curious. After a while they went away. And taking a video. The nice one took a video of Neta in phone of Neta, I tried in my camera, but missed again the start. In the end of class Neta has been asked to come back to the studio for taking her water. I asked he if she doesn't want to take the critique as well. No, it isn't a pleasant one. The nice one asked what is all about. It's about the festival. She said that I'm strong in flamenco. Well... I would love to see myself as one. Still - it wasn't only flamenco, Neta talked about it before she performed in it and it's a critique from a paper that I read. I showed her where is the part that has been written about Neta and went to finish the change of clothes. The fat woman went away, so no worries

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