Thursday, March 22, 2012

One more bata class

Oh dear - it was almost a private class. When I got there - in the beginners were only 3 girls. My class was close to start and the only one who was there already was the daughter of the snobbish woman. At least this time she didn't forget her manners. I hope she won't grow up to be like her mother... I left some of my stuff in the studio and went out to change. When I get to the door - the fat woman opened the door. I'm not sure who was less pleased to see the other so close. Our class has started. The happiness from Rocio Molina didn't over. The daughter comes now only to those classes and I can't remember if the fat woman was last time in the farruca class. While doing the warming Neta asked about the being in the show of Rocio. I answered "Yes" without to think. They were quiet. Only in the silence I started to think that maybe the question was meant for them. Neta asked again - this time for the daughter. She said no. Neta asked her if her mother was. It was kinda yes. Neta asked if it's true that her mother enjoyed. The daughter said that her mother said it was pretty. I still had to say my opinion. I said that it doesn't matter how many videos of hers you'll see in YouTube - it won't be a real preparing for the real thing. Another weird try: it is weird to talk while dance warming. The nice one got in with a dramatic announcement: she got a report for parking outside last week. She took her shoes and found a place very close to me. I got a bit aside for we won't step each other. My friend got in as well. When she was ready to start - Neta asked us to wear our batas. She brought her own this time instead of asking one of us ours. In the warming with batas - one of the hardest things went great for all of us. My friend said it's only because Neta came with her own bata and now it's more clear. Neta has been asked to come this way every week for it will be easy for us like this all the time. We started to practice parts of the caƱa. Some of it we new things. Most were in the memory. There was a little part that none of could say what was it. I said that I think it's in a video in the IPhone of Neta. She said that she have there what we already remember. We watched a video in her IPhone that she took of us dancing. It was what we did. It was pretty funny cause till it was possible to see it normally it changed with every movement was "on the side". Neta said few times that we'll wait to the "smart" one for remind us next week. In one part Neta asked all of to be in two lines for space. The nice one and me got a reproach that we're both too much in the middle - we have to take line more clearly. Some of the time Neta made it with us. I still got batas almost in my face. Near the end we Started to dance. The nice one sat and got back twice or more, once she got back to dance without the bata. One time I almost got her shoe in my face - just getting down so much with the body and getting up a leg so high...... We got a new little part. In the end - a lot of breath taking from the stress we let out in the dance. It is very physical and hard one. Still the little simple guajira that I dance in the evenings before is harder for me. My friend asked me if I saw about the times' changes in the course of Maria Juncal. I told her that I did. My friend got pissed off from this. She said that it's rude cause people work in those hours and some can't change it. She works for her own so she don't have a problem, but she doesn't like it and don't know if to go or not because of the rudeness of it. Neta asked about what are we talking about. After that - how much does it cost. I wasn't hurry to change clothes - too busy in talking. I was the last one again to stay in the studio. One of the workers stood in the dark not too far from the door for seeing when do I go out. I was changing there and I don't know what did he see.

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