Thursday, March 8, 2012

Last moment bata

I got there in the last moment, still not many came yet. Now I noticed that the one from beginners I thought that came once in a skirt and changed her mind are two different women. From my class - the fat woman came a moment before I did with her husband. I was sure that old habits are about to return. Accept that - the red head and the daughter of the snobish were there and talked between them. Two of them were too busy for givin' attention to anyone. Only after I changed the red head "did a faivore" to say hello. I hardly got my flamenco shoes on - Neta told the beginners that if they can to get tickets to Rocio Molina at Dias de Flamenco in the last moment - they must go. She's a prodigy. I agree with it. And I'm gonna see her next week! Hardly to breath - our class starts. An ordinary warming. In the middle of warming came the "smart" one. THen warming with the batas. What I don't remember if I told that last week in this point someone got in for a short moment. Neta said that the one who got in is a teacher in this school who see us all the time and said we look so pretty. We see our mistakes, but people from outside see our beauty. Yesterday I wasn't sure if I do it right. Still - in one point Neta said that I do it great, others didn't get anything. Not only this - in the same part a bit after - Neta told the red head that she do it wrong. I could feel better with myself. The red head was a pro dancer for few years. If I do one thing better than her... What a joy! And time to do our caña. The red head was worry about the location I took although I should have been worry more than her. It was between her and the "smart" one who didn't give me space. The "smart" one should learn how to stay in her place and dance in a line instead of all over, mostly when I'm around. This time - instead of the hubby - a kid looked at us for a while. Ok, and the new part. Neta remembered that we took a video, but she was sure it was in her Iphone. The "smart" one tried to behave like a human and remind her that I took the video in my camera. I showed Neta the video while the fat woman was looking for her husband outside through the window. We worked on the new steps over and over again. There were few more new stuff in the middle. Neta wanted to make some more videos and this time in her phone. The "smart" one gave Neta her bata and took two videos in Neta's Iphone. We all danced. In the second time I missed few steps. The "smart" one said that in the second time it was the better one and had a weird smile to me... End of class - the fat woman looked shocked that I changed my clothes in the studio


  1. Hola, hi, hello, how are you?. Mucho más no sé de inglés (y esto lo he sacado de una vieja canción de The New Riders of the Purple Sage.Bonito nombre para un grupo, buen grupo de country-rock yanky de los 70). Estas líneas son para darte la bienvenida a nuestroblog, tiempoflamenco, y agradecerte el que te hayas hecho seguidora. Seguiremos el tuyo, aunque sólo entendamos las fotografías y los nombres de Camarón, Farruquito, Paco de Lucía... Shalom.

  2. Hola. Soy bien... Gracias. Oh... Escribo en ingles porque este mas facil para mi desde español. Que cancion? Tienes un blog bueno tambien y soy feliz a conocer otros que gustan flamenco. Si lees mi blog - sabes que me gusta mucho Camaron, Farruquito y Paco de Lucia. Un abrazo
