Thursday, March 15, 2012

The bata of last n night

Once again got there almost in the last moment. Near the wall sat there the daughter and the red head who talked between them. Near them was the "smart" one. On one of the benches sat the fat woman. The beginners were so in their dance again and again. They look a bit less shocked and I didn't want to disturb them, so in the first time I changed clothes near them just like this. The nice one came. Between the end of the beginners' class and the bata class - I heard a part from talks. The red head said something about she went to the workshop of Farruquito when he was. The "smart" one said she doesn't really her type cause it's "only legs, legs, legs". And while she still sit on the floor - she started to hit the floor with one foot and making funny faces. While warming - my friend came. What a happiness. There was a talk about batas - easy and hard ones. As a hard one but beautiful - she asked me to remind her where was it. In the start I didn't really understand what she try to say, but when she said it was from a show that I saw and I got crazy from this bata I could understand. She gave a bata from the show Tauro of the Manuel LiƱan Company. We worked on and on. The zipper of the nice girl's bata has been ripped. She still could close somehow the skirt, but it was bad and drove her crazy. She really thought about going to the seamstress who made it and leave far. My friend tried to convince her not to and she has many other seamstresses in Tel Aviv for that. I started to tell her where is the seamstress that I take my bata for fixings, but the class has been continue, so it could wait. In one part we need to take our bata in our hand to behind the back. The red head said she can't cause then everyone will see her butt. It looked like she's afraid this word... Any case - she always wear pants under in classes and even if she didn't - I think it is a terrible idea to see her butt. Don't get me wrong - I really think she's nice, but she isn't pretty enough for I'll should want to see her body (and anyhow - I prefer to see men's bodies with all respect to lesbians). Neta told her that she does have a small bata and... The red head said that this is the one she's got. Neta said that in the end of the year she won't need to do it, but now she should practice it. Later on Neta asked if anyone goes to the workshop of Rocio Molina. It was easier for me to take a hand up than to say in words. I have a weird reason... The red head said that she heard that the list is closed. Neta said it have been closed a long time ago. The others didn't say a word. Still - Neta is in the list but she won't go. She's been asked if she doesn't want to go. She said that she want it very much, but her daughter is more important. There is something with her daughter that won't let her come, so if someone wants to take her place - she can. The red head said that a friend of hers may want. Practice a bit more. And dance. Neta went out for a moment and asked us to dance once again without her. Some sat down and none danced. I started to talk with my friend and the nice one. I told the nice one how to go to the seamstress that I go to every time that I need to fix my clothes. While this talk I got to know that my friend was really sick and missed classes because of it, now she's better and came a little bit sick. Dance again. In the end of class Neta said that friday afternoon she perform in a museum in Ceasay, a very small version of Abanico Intimo. She goes to see Rocio tonight. Before I went out - we were me, my friend, the other nice one and the daughter of the snobish woman. I thought to go cause I was tierd. My friend didn't let me go just like this. She asked me if I noticed the massive publicity for the Maria Juncal workshop. I said I did. We agreed it probably mean that not many got into the list. I told her that one of the things that almost prevent my getting into the list that it's in the Silvia Duran's studio and I heard some horror stories about her. My friend said she heard some stories as well and she was once in a class there and got bored from the class - accept the fact she didn't like the studio. We went out all of us together while I keep on my conversation with my friend. I told her as well that they "ran after me" for getting the money as fast as possible. She said that I shouldn't take it like this and NOT to pay fast. I told her that with the class of Miguel Angel it was different and I paid in the last moment. She said the Mijal Natan has her own loyals, so she won't be worry if some will pay in the last moment. I told her a bit again about the class and told her a bit about Pavo Real - the show of them both that I saw two day after this class. Ways went different. A bit before it ended - the daughter went back home cause she has been told that my friend and the other nice one wants to talk and will sit in a coffee shop. I back home as well and they went to their talk

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