Monday, February 13, 2012

The sign

It could make pains if you're not carefull whilre dancing farruca. I got thrill last night from the things I can do and the knee has started to hurt. After class has over, after I got my ticket to show of RocĂ­o Molina, after dinner and taking my dog for a walk - I took a bath. I started to feel that my knee hurts again. I looked and foud out that I have fresh blue sign there. I'm sure that it wasn't there before the class! Well, my dad a bit support me with my love to flamenco. He says that it makes me happy and I love it so much - I should dance more, although it doesn't make him love flamenco. He never came to see me dance in the end of year. Not only this - he always say that I shouldn't think that he will. Well, I still tells him all the time on the classes and freak him out when it's about the dancers I love. Recently he started to joke about that he don't get why do I adore Miguel Angel. Miguel is already old. My dad gives lectures in many sitiuations (NO conection to flamenco). He says that he has fans. Recetly he had one lecture that many old ladies were in the audiounce. My dad said that the old ladies are his fans. I said without to think much: "See what's the different between you and Miguel Angel? You're fans needs walkers and a helper, after Miguel Angel runs pullets like me!". Ok, it didn't convinse him. I showed him some photos of Miguel. Now he belive me... My dad say that Miguel looks better than other men dancers that I love

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