Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Catching up

Came again right away from work and almost in the last moment. Got my daily shoes off and wanted to change clothes. Before I did - the assistant of Neta brought me some pieces of papers to sign on. There are some dates for some new classes instead those which has been missed when Belén came last time to Israel. I will have to check with work how do I make it in the first time... It was pretty messy and didn't notice in the start it has more than one date on more than one piece of paper. She said she sent an e mail too, but I haven't seen it yet. She said also that because of the nomber of classes I suppose to have 5 classes instead. When I got back home I saw the e mail that she sent twice (as always). I will get 4 classes cause two classes that I take this year will get once an extra class together... And this in case that I would be able to come in the first time. While I was busy with papers came the other astronout. Our class has started a bit later because of the papers' thing. Neta noticed that something is wrong with the other one. She came sick and said that she rather do a bit and look when she won't be able to dance anymore casue it's a kind of studding as well. I know what she mean - I did it more than once as well and learned a lot when it was harder. For a start - I let Neta watch in my camera the videos I took with the last steps we worked on. We practiced it again and again in from time time to time with different versions. We did it a lot with a solea in the backround. And a bit with a guajira. In the song that Neta brought - it's so fast! The other one prefered to look at this point. I said that in the end of the year I really prefer to do it with the guitar player to make it easier and closer to what I can and want to do. We started to talk three of us when and how will we bring the guitar player again to class. Because of the nomber of students in our class and because of the others doesn't show up enough - it's a bit of a problem for the guitar player to come just for us. There was an idea that maybe if the medium level class before us will agree - he will come for us, but will start in their class. Then we stopped a bit for listening to music - a lot of solea and a bit of guajira. Neta has started to tell about her first year in Spain and the every night she made a solea. I was very close to say that I already heard this story many times, but very fast it got a turn ot that I didn't know and never heard about. It has a cuntinued in Tokyo. It was a story that I never heard before about her influence and the way that one girl has responed to her. This story made me feel a shivering all over my back. I won't tell it here. Once again - I heard a story in this certain class that isn't for a full public. I said that I never heard this before. Neta said that she never told it before to anyone. After listening more and thinking of how does the palos of solea and guajira build (and having a shivering in the back thatdoesn't go away fast) it was time to get back dancing. The other one said that she isn't ready yet. My guajira. It was very hard for me last night to dance it right. I made many mistakes and needed to do it again and again and none of the times was close enough for what it should be. The other one gave up compeletly on trying. Neta made it in a way for mostly to remember what was the idea. We finished early, very early. Even for a shorter class for us. We could catch up 5 more minutes, but only two of us when she was too sick for dancing a bit more. So it was the end for this time. The other one ran fast out to catch a bus and try to get a bit sooner home

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