Thursday, January 26, 2012

Full bata

At least I didn't forget my water again. I still don't feel like changing near the new ones of first year class (and they have two more grls now). I got out to change. When I got back - the daughter of the snobish woman cught my place. I had to sit on te floor or puting my shoes in a standing. I stood. It didn't impress her. I guess that with a moter like she have... And the girl that I took a video for her last week gave her now to take a video. With the flamenco shoes I finally got on my feet - I took my place back. When the video over - she found another place to sit - in the other side of the banch. We both were there, the red head, and the fat woman. It looked like the fat woman came alone this time and I thought that this time her husband won't staire at us from the window. Nice thought, isn't? My friend and the nice who need a self confidence came together when we already started the warming. The ecxuse was the parking place which wasn't... And then came the one I don't like and think she knows better. She found a place near me and all warming got stuck to me. And we practiced with our batas walking in a circle and control the bata to go in a very certain way. It didn't really worked, so smaller groups. The fat woman (who made some redicilous moves with her shoulders on the way), the kido and the red head. Ok, one by one. The kido was first and it didn't really work. Once again and again. And the fat woman. She didn't understand why can't she do it redicilous. And one by one while none didn't do it right in the first time. My friend did it and needed to do it again. And my turn. My friend didnt go out yet from the circle and I was affraid I would get into her. If not me - my skirt. It took a little while till I had some more space and till then - it looked lie I'm running after my bata and not after space. Again and again. And the "wise" one was the last. She usually can't do anything, but first time in her life (I guess) it works out. She was the only one who made it in the first time. Practicing more and dancing. I remined my friend that I still wait for the information that she have about the course of Maria Juncal. She was sure she sent me. And the husband looked again. When we stopped for a moment for Neta will think of some new steps for our caƱa - the fat woman went happily to the window. In the end of class - I told Neta that there is a need for curtains in the studio. I said it loud in a perpese. Neta asked my why do I think so. I said it would be for preventing peeping toms. Neta said it's ony the husband of the fat woman. I said that still it feels like we make a pip show. Neta said the weird thing is that he doesn't want to disturb, but this is what he does. My friend told the fat woman to invite her husband in to the studio next time. The fat woman asked for a reason. My friend told her it's disturbing he do that from the window. The fat woman said it isn't. They started an argew if it disturb or not. The fat woman didn't try to understand. We all were very "pleased" from her understanding, so when she got out and said goodbye on the way - no one answered her. On the way out I asked my friend again for information. I told her that I sent her video through facebook in apposition... My friend laught that I'm a merchant if I do it as an apposition. Well, I recived some at night. It doesn't tell all. I guess that in the nest few days - it will come up here

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