Thursday, January 19, 2012

Bata again

For the last night class I didn't come right away from work, but still in the last moment and after a long crazy day. I wasn't even sure how will I will survive till the end of class. It was stil the last few minutes of the begginers' class. One was there for the first time. In the end they wanted to have some videos because they has some new steps. The new onw took her mobile phone. I didn't wan to change near them and I was on my way out with my bata skirt. Just on the way. Neta called after me "Where is Orna going???" I got back. One of the girls of the begginers' class gave me her camera for I will take a video in her camera. It started with few technical problems in the music sistem... I gave up the idea of changing my clothes somewhere else. I didn't had the chance to change normaly my clothes and the warming has started without me. The warming was again without the batas, but I had to change my jeans for something more comfteble for a dance. This mess made the start a bit hard for me and I didn't do it good enough for some moments. My friend came when I started. She find a place near me. In few little brakes she found the time to ask me if I heard that Maria Juncal is about to come to Israel and give course. She said she's going for sure because she really love Maria Juncal - never mind she didn't read all the information and could give only a little part of it. I know in which studio it will be, but I still don't know the price, dates or anything like this. And we started to work again with our batas on our caƱa dance. Near the end we had to try each to do a little part of it alone. It still the hardest part for me, so Neta offered I'll do it with my friend. My friend said that she still don't know to do it well herself, so Neta gave me to do it with the red head who came back after a long brake. She usually do it very well, but this time.... The brake she took had it price. In the end - we did it in couples and I was with the red head again. If I remember right - before the practice alone - the husband of the fat woman has started to stare at us from the window again. I hate when he do that. If he wanna watch - why doesn't get in in like a normal person instead givving us to do give him a pip show? I saw he's looking at me in a brake. I looked back in a hope he'll give up. It didn't work out, he started with his rediciluse movements again and I blinked first. I turned again to the mirror. In the end of class he still didn't move. I told my friend it's pissing me that he looks. My friend said that he's the husband of... I know, it doesn't make it batter. He lighted a cigarrette and looked like he's about to go. My friend has started to say loud that we should be carefull - there is a man outside. We shouldn't change. And told the fat woman that husband is there. She didn't say a word and I saw him finally going.

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