Sunday, December 11, 2011

Turkiz and Argaman

My amazing teacher, Neta Shezaf took a part recently in a show which called Turkiz and Argaman. It was a show which took few belly dancers to dance their style in one part. The other part was made from dancers of different styles who took their style and made it a bit closer to belly dances. So, Neta took Andreu Ilin - the guitar player who comes to our classes and end of the year parties for almost two and a half years. She performe with him since. As far as it was for taking it to belly dances and eastern music - he did not play on his guitar. He took an easter version of guitars. I don't know how does it called in nglish, but in Hebrew it called ud. Sadly, I missed it. But - I have a photo from that show. It's really from the end. All the belly dancers are in this photo, also Neta and Andreu. Well, it isn't hard to know who's Andreu here cause he's the only man in the photo. Neta is the woman who's in the right.

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