Monday, December 5, 2011

Last night at the original studio

Yesterday when I came - there was there a girl who I learned with last year, at the medium level class (tango de Málaga). She didn't come back this year. At the start she told me she's sick and don't come because of it. Yesterday I saw her there, mostly sitting, but she was a bit at the medium level class yesterday. I asked her what happened. She said it was hard for her to come back, but she learn now at the studio of Mijal Natan. I told her that I saw her in the night before. That girl asked me if it was in a show. No, it was in a class of Miguel Angel... Weird, but if she really learn there - she wasn't supposse to be so surprised that there was this class. And doesn't she know about the shows and classes of the teacher of her studio?

Usually the one who I offered her to come to the farruca class comes late. Yesterday she came on time. We had a little time to talk. She said she couldn't come to the class of Miguel, but asked how was it. One other asked about it and said she didn't know he gives classes. I gave her some "dry" detales about it, and they both said it's hard to dance three hours in  a row. Hey, I did it for three years, that isn't THAT bad after getting used to it. The one I started the conversation with said that it's hard and she felt it in the last summer class of Belén Maya.

I told her more about the class. I told her that in the first hour I was on the  sight for fixings, and in the two hours after all of us did. I said it as a stressing thing, but she said that I should know it's a complement. For me. She said it's a good thing if the teacher (at least in those kind of classes) takes you as someone who need a special attention.

After she asked about shows, if I know he's performing. I told her that I know about the shows with Mijal Natan. She didn't like the idea. Not all likes Mijal Natan. My friend said that nothing comes from Mijal and it's good to see her if you have a sleepping problem. Ok....

The class went easy, although I found out that there are few steps that I didn't remember well. It felt really good. In one of the water brakes - I told the one I wished to come to class of Miguel about the circle and that the kid got in to dance. She agreed with me it was a bravery from the kid's side.

It was really fun yesterday, but after the class of  Miguel - it's hard for me to say about something unusual about this class. Maybe accept that this time the husband of the fat woman didn't look at us from the window.

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