Wednesday, December 7, 2011

La madre de todas las guajiras

Yesterday class: I've been there and puted my stuff in the studio while it was the end of the class before. I went out to change. Outside I seen the other one who will make a guajira till the end of the year. We stopped to talk. Looks like she liked the music I sent her. When the other class finnished - only two of us were there to our class. She was talking with the assistant of Neta and told her about the guajira she makes. I said something about mine. The assistant of Neta asked me if I do a guajira too. I simply said yes. The other one said something that I really loved: "what do you mean if she do too? She's the mother of all guajiras!" We started our class. We had a class only both of us. Weird how can a scary class like this can be so fun. Just because it was almost private, the other one is really nice, and slowly this class become a bit easier. It's still harder for me than the others, but I start to feel better in it. At the start we listen to music. It was for getting used more for the music of our palos, practice doing palmas and feel free to sing it. We listened to the palos of the others too although the others didn't come. For a start: alegria. Neta asked if we can do the sinning part that let people know it's alegria. We both started with "trin trin tran tran" which is only in alegrias and it's like prepering the voice of the singer. We started together and stopped. Ok, and how to sing the real words? We both stared confused at Neta, each other and on the air. Great! In the end we made it. And through the other palos. I'm still not a great palmera, but it starts to feel easier on those palos. At dancing: I wanna do it with a fan, she wanna do it with a shawl. We both had both things there and Neta had a fan of her own. We both practiced steps with fans and shawls. Most of time I made it like I do it all my life which was fun. I didn't do it perfect all the time, but I deffently gets better. In the end happened something which is a bit surprise for my behavour, but not a surprise to my abbility. Neta asked who will start with her own dance. A silence. Ok, I will start. I normally not that brave. Still, in the end of things my brain stops working. I made a fool pf myself and hardly made steps that I already know, couldn't be clear enough and it was hard for me to keep on the beat. Still - a new little part has been updated in my dance. At least the other one made some mistakes too. It was hard for her to make the "aire" of guajira. It felt in the start like the sad palos. Neta gave her some ideas how to change it for make it look like a guajira. Amazing how fast it ended last night

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