Saturday, December 3, 2011

The class of Miguel

Ok... One more long story plus one photo.

I got there very soon. The class of Miguel Angel. It took a place in the studio of Mijal Natal who kinda brought him. I never was in her studio before although I had a time that I thought maybe to learn from her (NOT insted of Neta, one more class for learning more). So, for being sure I won't be late - I got way too early. There was there only one girl from the studio of Mijal. She said it's weird that Mijal didn't get there.

Slowly came few more. Then - Mijal Natan came with Miguel. She interduce one of the girls to Miguel. I interduced myself. Too rude? It didn't take long - Mijal went out to smoke, Miguel looked for her, and then - a drama. He told her that he forgot his flamenco shoes. Mijal called one of the girls to take him to pick up the forgotten shoes.

Meanwhile - the studio has been fulled. Girls only. One of the teenagers who learn with me the farruca this year came as well. The one who I wished that she would didn't. And there was someone who I'm sure I saw before and couldn't remember where. It was something of flamenco, but I can't remember more than this.

The class started a bit late (few minute). Two girls watched on us from some kind of balcony inside the studio. Miguel has started right away with a cheografy. I don't think I know the palo and he didn't say, but it was cool. He puted a bit of music and it sounded a bit like one of the palos which has an influence from Latin America. I had few mistakes and he puted an eye on me. For the first hour (from three) - it looked like I'm the only one who get fixed. One of the times he came really close to tell me what's wrong. I'm not sure if I should be a paranoid or that the laough from the balcony didn't have a connection. One time all stopped, he tried to ecxplaine. He knows few words in Hebrew, so he started with "right. right, left, left" in Hebrew. Mijal joked that now all of us understand. Anyhow, he used few times words in Hebrew to talk.

Part two: after a little water brake (first official) we started to work on solea por buleria. That moment - he had smaller things to fix me, and now other girls got it as well. That was includes some fixings to someone who looks like that she thinks herself like she knows better, mostly because of the "wind" she made. It didn't disturb him to come once or twice for showing me "alone" the steps. After a while I had some reasons to smile. He noticed that too. I know he's taken, so I don't think that he got crush. Still it looked like he tried to make a laough. It was includes like getting a CD, looking at me and do like almost throuwing a freezbe.

Ten minutes to end:   we stood in a circle. He asked us to dance a bit - those who wants and dare. Mostly for doing the last part. No one really dared and I'm NOT THAT brave. At the studio of Neta I just recently started to get some bravery, but this is not there. In the end - one made it. Miguel asked her to do it again for doing it better. After that - the "windy" got some bravery and danced. He fixed her a bit as well and some of the time danced with her. When she finnished - he looked at me. I signed him that I'm not gonna do it. He looked a bit more at the area. The teenager got bravery and almost ran away after few steps. So he danced with her. After no one else got bravery - he danced with Mijal. That looked really cool.

The class was suppusse to end. Some girls asked for more, so we danced all together a bit more.

After it really ended I asked to have a photo with him. He accepted. Well... Most of dancers are shorted than him. I didn't feel so short for a long time....

After changing clothes and and before going - I talked a bit with Mijal. I got a complement from her. She knows me a bit through facebook and the last summer course of  Belén Maya. So - she said I'm very gentle. And she tanked me for the comments I give her in facebook and for sharing some events. No probelm - I think she's good enough for that. She said that still she doesn't take it as nothing, so she should thank me.

And after three hours of dancing - got back home by foot on heels, just for taking my dog out and telling how was all of it.

Last words about all of it - I took a class from a great dancer, have been in a studio of another great dancer, they are both sweet as well. I'm really tierd, but far from being sorry for that.

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