Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The weirdest class

I got earlier than ever last night to class. Later this evening I understood how lucky am I for living so close to the studio. Still, it was hotter than ever in the studio. And smelled this time like a lot of swet with close windows... The airconditions were off and the windows closed. I have three flamenco fans (as someone who learned to dance with gadget, love this gadget and addicted to flamenco). I always bring it to classes even if I don't need that time. Last night it was very usefull. After I changed clothes and till my class needed to start - one fan was out. AIR!!!

Meanwhile I was talking with the other flyer in class. In a funny reason - she was trying to make me relax. I heard from her that everyone feels that they make  funny from themselfs in this level - even the good ones....

The windows has been opened. Air.... The smell has over. Only two of us were there. Shuky was suppose to come but wasn't there. Neta has started with us a warming of the hands. This year She doesn't do it much. It was fun to go back to it. Others from the class before were sitting there and looked at us. From the bit I saw their reaction through the mirror - they were amazed. And it was only a warming. One of them is an old woman who has always something to say. Last week she asked me why don't I go to the medium level class as well... Oh, my 6th year, three classes a week, one of them is a super-progresive, last year I still went to the medium level class as well.... And I'm NOT a millioner!  Isn't a bit too much? And this is just when I started to realize that there are classes this year accept real begginers, I'm not there and the sky didn't fall.

Later when the quetion of how did it come that only two of us there - an answer has been found: me and Ilan are the only ones from Tel Aviv. Ilan makes a brake from classes because of pains. Shuky apear to be a flyer as well, at least this way he came yesterday. It was easy for him to come from Jerusalem, but he got confused and went to another studio first, where BelĂ©n Maya made her last summer course in Tel Aviv. Then we found out about a running marathon in Tel Aviv with a bad publishing. It made many traffic jams. The other one who came made it without getting stuck, ut the others got stuck in the traffic and came very late.

Neta said that we should wait for the others and made the class till later than the usual. We were sitting and talking. The other one wasn't sure which palo to choose to herself. Well... Same as me. I decided to take this time to consult with Neta too. My love to fans... I told her that I want to make a palo that fit to fans for I could use one. She gave an idea to something that didn't mean to me a thing... And there was a guajira as an idea. I danced a guajira with a bata last year, I enjoy normally from guajira dances when I see it (and one of my favorites from the new of Neta is a guajira), at least some of the guajira songs are very beautiful to my ears... Guajira will be my personal palo this year.

Shuky came. We started to talk. In the start - it were things that has no conection to class. And a bit about the show of Paco. He came there too. And the time to talk about the real thing. He wantedd to let us listen to music he have, but he had it in disc on key, because of weird reasons - we didn't have a computer last night although there was suppose to be. Before he became a singer - he learned to play a guitar. He came with his guitar. He played to us on the guitar and sang to us. Is was mostly going on with soleas. Other girls has finally came. The conversation get to the point of kinds of sinning, great singers, the way the music has been changed every decade.  It was very interesting.

Still, it didn't give much time to dance. Because I'm a flyer without any help and last night I had many reasons to fly - I wasn;t on my best. At least none of us was on her best, maybe accept the other flyer that looked to me that she did it better than ever. The fact that we all weren't on our best made my mistakes feel less horrible. And maybe it's also that even the not my best of last night was less horrible than last week...

We had to stop. One of the workers of the studio asked us to go away. He said he need to close the studio and has no time to wait...

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