Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The scary class

I didn't know how to write about it till I'll have some more answers: yesterday morning Neta sent an e-mail for all students of the tuesday class. One more left. Some didn't want to go cause they were too scared, some didn't have the money (it cost more than the other classes), and some didn't like the fact it has theory and not only dancing. The last one who left moved to another class for having some more movement. The high price was includes the musicians and because we're not many in the class now - it depand on us if it will stay on. In case this class will still go on it will be a bit different. The singer won't come every month. Only once a while and we'll pay him right to him all of us. The guitar player - it was a quetion if to keep him every two weeks or once a month. Every time he'll come - it will include a small price from each. We all said that we prefer this way because we all wanna come to this class, so if the other choice is finish the class when it's not even the middle of the year....

THere is a woman that I know through the studio of Neta. Last year she learned a bit in her medium level class and a bit outside Tel Aviv. This year she's in both classes of medium level class in an ordinary. Recently Neta made her assistant. Probably for that - she stayed in our class last night.

When class has started - we started with music. The other astronout brough tientos that she wanted to dance. In the end - she never danced it before and the meanning was to choose a palo that we danced before and now we want to dance it better. So we just listened. She even brought a song that sang by CamarĂ³n. Amazing..... ! Well, I want a guajira, so... But I don't have much music of it. I danced it last year and have a song that we danced by this (but in the end of the year party it was with  live music which was include the guitar player). And I have one guajira of Juanito Valderrama which I see as my real first guajira. Most of my guajiras are those I saw in shows and YouTube. I burned two songs on a CD. The music sistem didn't want to "read" it... So Neta puted the guajira of last year (which was one of the songs that I tried to bring). Others didn't bring any.

When we finished with this - Neta said that because of time we have - maybe it will be too difficult to work on steps of many palos. So - accept the buleria that we already work since the start (fin la fiesta style) - we'll work on steps of one palo and we'll see how can we put it in any of the palos that has been chosen. So - mine! I didn't even ask for it, but I got my palo as the one that  we'll work on the most. The sisters has chosen that one will dance alegria and the other one solea. The other astronout said that maybe she's move to guajira. While I dance a a pure guajira with a fan, she will dance a pure one with a shawl, the others will move it to their palos. Ilan wasn't there again and his palo is the most problematis for this, and after all he's a man and guajira is very feminine.

We started to work. When it got to improvise - it was almost a improvising as well who will dance when. When it came to my time - I got a bit of shake... Still - for someone who started to dance a guajira alone without a cheografy of someone else - it felt good. It wasn't perfect, but it was good for a start. Neta didn't have much to correct me and I finished with a feeling of "Hey, I made it!" For moments like this it's better to have this scary class. Wehn we wanted to move on - one of the sisters said that her sister didn't do it. The sister said it's fine, but Neta didn't let her to quit. We made it again, but this time it wasn't random who will do it after whom.

The other part was working on the steps with the other palos.It was amzing to see how does it work. That part - we made it all together.

In the end - we worked a bit more on the buleria. The assistant of Neta didn't want to try alone cause she still don't know well the steps. Us - after all work - none of us made it perfect twice. Once - maybe. Second - we got tierd.

That scary class starts to be more fun cause it becaome easier. I hope we'll do it till the end of the year  

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