Monday, November 7, 2011

The messy farruca

Last night I came tierd, but full in energy. Got back home even with more energy. There are some reasons for that... I love those classes and this is one reasong for years of learning. We got some new cool steps for the farruca. And... It was few hours after I got my ticket for tonight. In the almost last moment - I got a ticket for the Movie Flamenco, Flamenco of Saura....

So, at least there was air this time. The kids came. they made a mess from the moment  the class has started. It didn't disturb my happiness (oh my... I don't even need to take drugs. It comes naturaly for me). In one part they had an argew with Neta about steps. They remembered something and wanted to keep the steps by their memories. At least some they did remember right, but the new #$%! already said "no" (she so "smart") and we won't do it as it was in the start.

Well, in one other part - another girl asked for an aircondition. It's great it came from someone else, but in the end only one got open. For me it was still hot.

Near the end we started to work on some new steps. The new steps in a very modern style. The whole dance will be a wonderful cool mix of modern and old style, so it looks. Yesterday - modern style steps, but there is at least one step which fit to Antonio Gades. And I trust Neta about the way it ends. Every year she has some really great ideas for the dances and I'm always surprised from the things I do on stage in the end of the year. Now it's still quite the start, but already there is a big part of farruca and it looks and feels great.

The new steps includes going down and a bit of moving on the floor/stage. Till we got there - we couldn't notice how much the floor in the studio is dusty... And the fat woman didn't dare to go down with us in none of the times of the practicing. Maybe accept the first time. It was pretty funny to my wicked eyes.

In the end of class I went to the toilets. I wanted to wash my hands after touching the floor. And to change my clothes. Last night the guitar player came and I didn't feel like changing while he see. I really like him as a person and as a musician, but it doesn't mean I want him to know the color of my bra.

When I got back to the studio itself for collecting my shoes and handbag Neta talked about the upcoming of BelĂ©n Maya. There are dates already, but not all details (like hours) for publish. Neta said that the   wording is still in a work. It will probably will be ready next week. When it will be finished - it will come to here as well

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