Thursday, November 3, 2011


We have here something weird in Israel about flamenco: from one hand - many people love here flamenco. You can see many shows of flamenco around, mostly in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. In the other hand - in the Israeli radio it's very rare to hear flamenco music. In music shops it's hard to get the music. If you find some music - it's ususaly Paco De Lucia ot from time to time a colection (some are really good, but till they make one...).

The same thing with the criticism and publicity. The publicity for the show of Paco De Lucia and Farru was pretty bad, they didn't even think in Israel to write that Farru is a part of it (and hell, he's great and a part of one of the strongest flamenco families), and still - the show was in a large space and full in people who came for this. Some came from far aways. The only critique I saw outside blogs came very late and was confused and weird.

Criticism about the shows is impossible. When it's about movies - it's only made by people who hate movies. Theater - there is one person who is worth to read his critiques. About art and fashion - there are many who se themselfs as fit for it. Rock concerts? Many writes about those, mostly bad.When it's flamenco....What could I say about it? There are no people who can really write about it. I know about one who writes in the daily paper I read. She writes criticisms about dance, but usually about modern kind. When she finally writes about flamenco (and doesn't happen much, mostly when we think about how many flamenco dance shows there are only in Tel Aviv) - it's easy to understand that she has no idea about flamenco.

Let's go back to Paco De Lucia.
His show was on suterday. There daily papers in Israel in sundays and the internet is updating all day... The criticism came on tuesday. It was the weirdest criticism I've been reading about a show. He didn't know what to write, that's for sure. He wrote that he understand better in Jazz, but he didn't write anything about the Jazz influence. About the flamenco - he wrote what he saw and heard from other people who came to there for seeing and hearing flamenco. Oh, it was probably good - the people stood on their feet! The dancer... The reprter didn't know his name and didn't try to find out (givving a  clue: Farru...). He wrote that someone told him that the un-known (ha-ha) dancer didn't fit. Almost the whole critique based on what others told him and re-acted. All this was confused and looked like - "I've been told to write about it, but I really don't know what to write... Help!"

And I got to know there someone who doesn't know much about flamenco, but she knows a good thing when she see it. I'm sure that she could write something better to the paper... And for the reporter - he writes for the paper a critique, it should looks this way. On the show itself, NOT the way it felt for him. If he wanna write how did it feels - he should write a blog

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