Tuesday, November 8, 2011

After watching Flamenco, Flamenco

Ok, so almost in the last moment I got my ticket to Flamenco, Flamenco. It was an opening of a mini-festival of Spanish movies in the Tel Aviv's cinematuque. By logic - I should write about it in the morning, but this is a rich movie full in many details, it has a mess around because of the the opening. It's better to write when the memory is still fresh in my head (and already some I don't even sure in my memory). And this is before I talk about the day... I have a feeling that I will be busy in the morning in reciving and answering some birthday wishes. It will be better if all of mine will be in wrriting this.

For me - it was one more birthday flamenco party. Just one evning before my birthday.... And so many people there. Some from Spain. As a special screening - it started with speeches. The director of the cinemateque was speaking. He appologized. He said that there is a promise for a translation for English and Hebrew although it doesn't include. Still - it doesn't need much, it more to see. He guess it will be fine, because he doesn't know. I'm have a feeling he never saw a movie of Carlos Saura if he ain't sure about it... And a little story: he promissed once to someone that a certain movie is without any dialogs. It really didn't have any dialogs cause it's all a long monolog. And he's the director... And the ambassador of Spain in Israel talked. Amazing. Spain isn't a place of English talkers, but he... His English is clear and good. It was possible to hear an accent, but the accent was less clear and if I didn't know he's from Spain - I couldn't guess where he comes from. And he knows how to talk.

In case you saw Flamenco (the preview movie of flamenco of Saura) or any of Saura - you would know that it made in many parts. Each includes other artists and styles. I won't write about ALL, but will try to stop on many as possible from the parts I loved (abnd there are many of them).

For a start - Sara Baras danced alegria. Amazing start. It was so beautiful! So much pasion, and in the end - a start of humor. People really claped there hands when her part finnished.

Later on was also Eve Yerbabuena. She had there few singers and musicians. She danced a solea in a black bata de cola. LOVED IT! Later on - between the the middle and near the end - she got back with a singer. I think he was with her in the first time too. They were the only ones who had two part while all others had only one. One "smart" woman" who set almost near me needed to tell every one that they performed before. Oh... What would I do without this information? This time it was in a studio, but they made in a "rain". There are no words to describe how much it was unique.

Not much after Eva - there was RocĂ­o Molina. She danced a palo I never heard about before. She danced in pants and her clothes were in a menly style. A long part she did it with a cigarrette in her mouth. I  noticed some moves which are very menly. And still it was so femminine.

Later on - Estrella Morente sang tangos. She danced a bit in parts she she didn't sing. She was great, but I couldn't understand one thing: what was that horrible dress that she was wearing???

Quite in the middle there was El Carpeta. He danced a short buleria. Too short for me... Amazing how much tallent this little one has. He's something like 15 years old.... And it's so easy to see from which family he comes from (Los Farrucos - he's the little brother of Farruquito and Farru, the sons of La Farruca and El Moreno).

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