Monday, October 3, 2011


Last night:

I came when the class before was about to finish. I puted some of my thing in the little space I found and went to change my clothes. Met there the snobish that makes her daughter to learn. She had a BIG problem to say "hello". Got back to studio and started to seel like Mr. Celofanne for a while. The redhead came with a friend of hers and they both were on my things. Only after I started to put my clothes bag on the friend they moved. Were there still things over my everyday shoes, and the kid with the snobish mother thought it will be nice to stand kinda on me. The mother didn't take too much space from me nither.

The medium level class danced with the music Neta recorded the guitar player. In the end it's possible to hear her say "excellent". In the first time I couldn't understand where it came from. In a time after - one of the girls said it's great to hear her say "excellent" every time... Neta thought to give them to try to dance without looking at her, but they didn't accepted because of the croud. The main person who didn't accept there was a man who learn there. I coouldn't understand it - he deffently has nothing to be a shame on in the way he dance.

For our class - I am not  sure how ro write about it. It was fun as usual, but... After the class with Shuky it looked to regular... In the other hand - every class is fun when you ignore snobish women or laugh about others. Near the end we practiced some new steps. The fat woman made me laugh but I couldn't really laugh because of her. She came to stand next to me and banded over and looked to the side for seeing Neta this way.

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