Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Another new class

Just started a new class. A bit scray, but... I really want to try and hopefully I will reach the end. It's a bit longer one for very advanced. Normally my teacher gives a cheografy and we all practice on it and recive many ecxplains what we do. Each class gives one palo. In this one - it will be different. We will have many parts of theoretical knowledge that we'll have to look ourselfs. Every time - someone else will look for information and will tell the others what she found. For the practice... We'll work on few palos. After a long practice - each one of us will choose a palo and make her own cheografy for this palo. By that starts the scary part. My own cheografy??? I would be glad to have one, but not sure I'm THAT good... Accept that: only one palo? I have few palos which I'm crazy for, and one more which I'm curious about. It will be hard to choose. And one more thing: my dance teacher won't be the only one to give the classes. The guitar player will give some for we'll know better how to listen and will know better how to be sharp and clear for the guitar players. Once a month will come a singer to give us sinning class. Again - NOT for making us singers, but for we'll understand  the palos better and feel the beat. And we'll have to sing as a group to each one who dance. That's another scary part, mostly because there is a great reason for my NOT being a singer

The first class this evening still wasn't too hard. Some new faces, but mostly girls I know. One of the girls I know I don't really like. She seems not a very social person. And after a thing she said to mefew minuts before going up to stage in the end of the year, and after she stepd on me twice in the course of BĂ©len Maya... I still don't hate her, but I guess that I won't try to be her friend. She said she hope she didn't start too late for being a professinal dancer and she's there because of that. Well.... She maybe a bit late or just not tallent enough anyway. Near the end we had a little practice on some steps and needed to do our versions in couples. When it came to her turn with someone else - she was with someone who's pretty new to me (although I think I saw before once). The other danced. In her case - most of the time she just stiid there looked surpside, and it looked like she doesn't know what to do with herself. There is a chance that I wasn't amazing nither, but I danced.

In the other part of class - which took this time a long long time - we interduced ourselvse, told our stories with flamenco. The kid who I think could be a great dancer when she will grow up is only 12 years old and dance since she was 7 years old. She will dance in the 3 classes I take this year. She was a bit sad that we'll have some homeworks for this class, because she has a lot of it from school. Her dad came to bring her and take her. He already checked about a studio to rent for her, for she would be able to practice more alone what she learned in class.

And more time - going on about what we'll learn this in this year, this class. And we watched on video part of Domingo Ortega dance Solea por Buleria. We talked about it for being sure we all understand ecxecly what we saw.

It was an amazing start, but very different

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