Tuesday, August 30, 2011


In the last year so far - I had few moments accept the big mess of the bata. About one of them I'll write now.

In the class of advaneced without the bata (regular skirts and dresses of flamenco) we learned a solea. The cheografy was very hard and needed memory and phischal stregth. It was wasn't for taking us for a show of the company of Neta, but she performing with it for years in different versions. In the middle of the year I saw a show which was including few dancers with few different styles of dance. Neta took the flamenco part of it. On of her dances was that solea. The start was the same, but after that - almost everything was different.

Near the end of the music/dance it changes to palo of bulerĂ­a. Something like the middle of the year we had an interesting practice with it. We started to work on the bulerĂ­a but we still didn't really feel it and didn't really remember the steps. One of the classes we guitarrist was there - we stopped for a while from going on again and again with the same steps. We stood in a half circle. Every time one of us got in the middle. All girls made "palmas" (claping with the beat), Neta sang (yeah, she can do that too) and had live music. The idea was taking a part or two from the original cheografy and make it a personal dance.

As far as I didn't remember the steps - I was happy that I'll be in the end. I thought that I'll watch the others and will remember what to do. Wrong! Each one who danced made me more confused and I remembered less and less. Neta corrected each one of them. None made it good till the end. One of them is even someone who tells she learned in Spain and she's a flamenco teacher herself. She sees herself someone who really knows. Still - she was the worst. Neta didn't sing to her and the poor woman couldn't understand. Neta said many times "You don't make me sing! Make me sing!!! You don't do anything...". She recived more and more chances and blew up each one. Another girl wanted to do it, and do it now. She was thrilled from it. She made few steps and got scared. After that - no way! She won't do it. Another one is a professinal (and amazing) dancer. She made it good, but could be better.

I was the last (or one before). And I was scared. My memory was empty and I was sure I won't be any better from the others. First of all - I appologized. Than I started to dance. I made a big try to think it's only the guitarrist and Neta see me and I need to be clear to them. I don't remember what I did, mostly that it hardly any conection to the original cheografy. It was amazing feeling, but I didn't really stopped to be affraid. I got it when I finally remind that there are more girls who see me dance. And I stopped and got back ashame to my place in the circle. I was sure that Neta would say it was terrible because of the new dance I made. Wrong again. She said "You felt it, right?" I couldn't answer because of my fear. Than she said it was possible to see I felt it, I knew where to get in and this is what's important. REALLY?  What a relife...!

When we got out from the class - the amazing professional dancer said she was terrible in this practice. This is rude! If Neta wasn't responed to my dance this way - I was absullutly sure that SHE was the best

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