Sunday, August 21, 2011

The new show

Last night I went to the new show of Neta Shezaf. Yesterday it was the first time she performed with Abanico Intimo. Well, I guess I need just to write about the show itself, but flamenco became a social thing for me a long time ago. I still love flamenco as flamenco, but I have a lot around as well since I started to learn.

It's a new solo show of Neta. It can count like a solo one. The name means a lot about the main idea of the show: abanico in Spanish means a fan. She took palos (beats) of flamenco which fit to dance with fans. All her dances in this show are with fans. Intimo - the part of a dancer with a musician/singer.

I came like a "good girl" to see it with my mother. We came on time to take our tickets peacefully and sitt for water. Just a bit we set - came to us Ilan Miller - the man dancer from Neta's company. He started to talk with me. My mom couldn't help it and after a moment told him that she's my mother. Never mind that he said he's Ilan - a moment after he went to drind a cup of coffee my mother asked me who is and ffrom where do I know him. After that - hello to one of the girls who I learn with. A moment before the getting in - another woman came to talk with me.

Getting in to the hall. I warned my mother that I always see in flamenco shows a couple of friends of hers and my dad - she was pretty happy to see I'm right. Those friends came too and she could talk with them. And hello to another one who I know through the classes of Neta and summer classes of BĂ©len Maya.

The show itself was fantastic' but had some technical problems. It looked a bit like problems of a new show.It started with a live musical part. Just a guitarist (who I don't really know, but he's good) and a singer called Shuky Shveiky. It's far from the first time I see this singer in a show. Looks like that every respectable flamenco dancer in Israel who wants live music calles him.  And he was performing with Rafael Amargo in the show I wrote about. Rafael said in front of the audionce that Shuki sings like a gipsy. In flamenco there is no bigger complement.

The second part was with a recorded music and a dance of Neta. Very modern style of dance. She did like a birth of a butterfly. I already saw this dance and I amazed every time from new.

Another part of just live music. In the middle something in the backstage fell with a big noise. I wasn't the only one who jumped and tried to see what was it. I have a guess who is reponssible, but it still only a guess.

Than a lot of dance with fans and live music. Accept the singer and the first guitarist - another woman with a violin who I don't know (and sorry, can't remember her name), another guitarist - Andrei Ilin (who play in our classes and end-of-the-year-partied in the last two years), and a guy on cajon. The guy on cajon is a new one to me, but he was great. His name is Muy Natanzon.

There was one dance which I really loved. A guajira that Neta made with a fan and a bata de cola. Ilan Miller came from the backstage, also di another dancer - Einat Schacham (who's an  amazing dancer herself),  and another one who who got into the company of Neta last year. I'm not crazy for this one. They brought two tables to the stage, bottles of wine, couple of glasses and made a bit of nice mess. Andrei came with a hat and a cigar. He palyed his guitar in the middle. Muy Natanzon played on his cajon near one of the  tables. All the rest made a mess in a nice try of doing it happy in a Cuban style. Neta came into stage with a bata de cola and a a ready for use fan. It was a great dance with many smiles. The other dancers didn't show their abillity that dance, they were mostly bussy in doing jaleo. In the end of the dance the fan flew outside the stage. I'm not sure it was part of the plan, but Neta through it like nothing happened.

In the last dance Einat, Ilan and the other one came to stage to dance with Neta. Ilan and Einat were wonderful as well. I hate to admit it, but the other dancer is getting better too. I still think she was the weak part in the whole show, and as I know her - there is a chance she thinks that she is the star in the show.

In the way out still I had to talk with people a bit, but I couldn't stay. My mother was a bit hurry to go back to her house and bed. And she made it that my dad will come to pick us. And he was waiting for us for a long time outside.

I still had to tell Neta how great she was. I had my contact with her and appologized to her that I didn't tell her that to her face. And told her that she can tell most of people I know and took a part that they were wonderfull as well. I also wrote them after that...

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