Don Juan - upcoming at Germany

Das 6.Stuttgarter Flamenco Festival 2015 findet vom 01.-07.08.2015 statt. Großartige Künstler wie Charo Espino Delgado, Bella Paloma, Miguel Angel Espino, Macarena Ramirez, Carmen Camacho, Pedro Sanz, Rafael Fonaina, Johannes Doschew, Antonio Españadero finden sich in Stuttgart ein, um im Theaterhaus und Produktionszentrum Stuttgart eine tanzwütige Flamencowoche zu veranstalten. Kursangebot mit Angel Muñoz, Charo Espino, Miguel Angel Espino und Gaby Herzog. Mehr Infos unter

A recommended workshop at Italy

Il grande bailaor e maestro Miguel Angel Espino, tornerà a Macerata per uno stage intensivo di Flamenco. Questi i livelli e palos di studio:
sabato 6: h./16,30-1800
domenica 7: h./10,30-12,00
sabato 6: h./18,00 -19,30
domenica 7: h./12,00 -13,30
Lo stage sarà ospitato presso la sala de: "Il Balletto di Macerata", via Maffeo Pantaleoni, 2/, 62100 Macerata, Italy.
Per info prezzi e contatti: Michela Fossà
*cell. 338 4002009 *e.mail:

The show AguaDulce with Hugo David Alvarez as a guest star

I did get places and classes at the last moment, but... First time in my life that I come to a show at Suzanne Dellal in the last moment. I came just on time to pick up my ticket and be the last one who gets into the hall. Doors has been closed over me. I mean - a moment after I got in. Found my seat, lights closed, a couple changed their place and sat in the seats before me. The man was more before I do and he's too tall. too late to change my mind and change a seat as well. The hall was almost full, but there were few more seats. Now mostly try to relax, take a deep breath and start to enjoy the show. 

Fine. I won't get into all details of the show. I've been few months ago at this show when Compas Company had their first shows of AguaDulce. I was writing a lot about it that time. The difference is that this time it had a special guest star - Hugo David Alvarez. So, this time it will be mostly about telling about the changes that made for him and few things around, 

So, this time at the guajira of Ayelet that starts officially the show - Hugo stayed on stage for being another palmero. Few problems has started.... After a while - Ayelet lost one hair pin from her head. It fell next to one of the flashlight that lay down on stage. Not much after that - the flashlight has started to burn. Some smoke came out of it. The flashlights of the stage has been closed. Till it happened - the man in the front of me just had to stand up for telling that the flashlight is burning. Oh no.... He came from the jungle and I have to see his back.... ! He\s lucky that he accepted to come back sitting. I could kill him for that. I guess. It didn't disturb the audience to love the guajira.

The flowers and hair pins didn't stop flying all over the stage till end of show.

At next part was a tango. A real tango, not the palo. Two more dancers outside the group =  Ronen Khayat and Maya Schwartz made all those parts at the show. This is what they dance normally. fist time I loved it, but I think that this time it made even more impression over me. There was a try to open the flashlights on stage once again. The one in the middle was still burning. It has been closed again. 

The lights got back for normal at the colombiana of Vlada. Not far from me there was someone who was taking photos with her phone without end, each time made her own lights. Rude behavour that fits only to us. I don't know how did it happen that only at this part a worker of Suzanne Dellal (where it took a part) noticed it and asked her to stop. And even then she and her boyfriend (and whoever is the guy who came with her) accepted to notice that she's been asked to stop. 

Not much after came the first part that Hugo was dancing. He came with a drum hanged over him. He was playing over it and started to dance. A bit. He went out from stage after a minute or so. Just for moment. He got back to stage without the drum and just danced. A recorded music at this part. Although no live music - it wasn't less amazing. 

There was a part at the show that normally it made for three dancers - Mijal with  Ronen Khayat and Maya Schwartz. This time - one more dancer. Hugo. Most of time he was dancing with Mijal who dance this part in her space alone. When she moved dancing with Ronen - Hugo was dancing with Maya. The one more dancer made it look like almost a mess, but they made it happen without the mess. 

After a part that all girls of Compas Company were dancing - they didn't go out like they meant to. Hugo came back with the drum. At this part he was playing on the drum again and the girls were dancing for it. Another part that wasn't there when he didn't take a part. One of the parts that received some real hands claps from the audience. 

And Hugo had one more part - the end of show when all on stage. Mijal received some flowers. A woman from Adi Foundation came. When she comes for shows of Compas Company - Mijal gets some flowers from her. 

After the show I met Guerao. I was kissing and talking with him. When he got into backstage - I came with him. For a start I was kissing and talking with Hugo as well. Keren was there. We didn't talk and she seemed like she try NOT to look at me as much as she can. Fine, after what happened between us lately she better take some space from me. After that I was talking with Mijal as well. And a bit with Vlada and Hadas. Moran and Ayelet were busy, but I made it to say to Moran that I enjoyed watching it again. A bit after I got a photo with Hugo and Mijal started a new drama. I don't have all details. I heard some of it and didn't stay to know how does it end, so it will better not to tell a half story. Idit came as well a moment after it started. Talking with her a bit before I decided it's about time to go. 

Fuensanta La Moneta at Mexico

Información sobre los cursos y la actuación de Fuensanta La Moneta en Queretaro, México, en el Festival de Danza Iberica Contenporanea

Amelia Vega

Fotografía : Marina Camacho
Maquillaje : Gema Hernandez

Amelia Vega

Fotografía : Marina Camacho
Maquillaje y Peluqueria : Gema Hernandez

A painting by Dora Crespo Perez

Titulo: Tobellino de colores
Técnica: Acrilico
Autora: Dora Crespo Perez

Upcoming with Keiko Suzuki


「これまでさまざまな場所でたくさんのアルティスタと共演しながら、自分の中にどんな自分が潜んでいるのか? それを探しながら踊ってきました。そして、常にどのような状態でも観てくださる方々の心を動かすようなフラメンコをやりたい!という気持ちはずっと変わりません。
 文/小山雄二(株式会社パセオ代表取締役) 撮影/大森有起
This is the first divorced each other together 17 years involved in live produce. At first it thrilling fun at night would last or it is not. The seat (63 seats) is now 3 seats available now, after standing.
Paseoflamencolive Vol.005
Keiko Suzuki I
6/11/2015 (Thursday): 20 pm (doors open at 19: 30 / 21: 10 minutes finish)
Venue: high Yen Temple Esperanza
Price: 3,900 yen (tax included / drink)
Sponsored by: monthly Paseo Flamenco & Esperanza
Keiko Suzuki (Baile)
El Platero (singing)
Emilio Magyar (guitar)
Reservations: Tel: 3383-0246 (Selva) / Tel: 3316-9493 (Esperanza)
"Treasure hunt is buried treasure from the beginning looks like I and my looking different in essence. And filled with challenges, no buried treasure during his own cannot find "
"That just thinking I didn't know reality is the production. There is not an end, there is the beginning of "
"Unconscious forged only concentrated, it comes to own bullion. The bullion coming out straight to Flamenco "
 These is an excerpt from the Suzuki Keiko interviews previously appeared in the Paseo especially psychological point of quite highly practical in the theory and technology of love can be.
 The impact of sonanta popping dance thick trust musicians alive, elation and integrated while undulating like a red fireball. Dazzling moment itself terrific energy explodes the brilliance of this world to the flamenco dancers Suzuki Keiko essence comes Visual deficit.
 Beauty of a line dance, on the other hand, Melody primary do sing to your heart's content, features another one of her. Dancing grace she showed up in a slow tempo Sevillanas servie ja name Singer sing live for quite some time ago, Andalusia nostalgia classic atmosphere is still hard to forget.
 Enjoying the journey these two polar opposite to it freely, like the bailaora Suzuki Keiko walk with flamenco. Flamenco is the song dancing with myself. She expresses it thus minded I in June.

"With plenty of Artista in far different places, while during his hidden no matter what their? Dancing has been searching for it. And I want to touch the hearts of people who watch what still always flamenco! Feeling that does not change much.
 I believe this live and age milestone this year are reexamining their opportunity. Congenial guitar (Emilio), two people singing (plateau), simply be yourself, and guests and want to remain cozy in our midst, after fulfilling live "
(Reprinted from the monthly Paseo flamenco by 2015, June issue)
 Text / Yuichi Oyama 2 (Paseo Representative Director) shooting / Omori-induced